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Gashi: IDPs can return to Obilić/Obiliq (KiM radio)

After a meeting with MPs of the Serbian List, Mayor of Obilić/Obiliq Xhafer Gashi said that Serbs can return to this city. "All people who lived here before can return. We will do everything to work together and ensure a better life for all our citizens."

One of the topics of the meeting of mayor and MPs was the recent attack on a TV Most crew, when a young Albanian man hit the cameraman's hand with a shovel. The mayor of Obilić/Obiliq said that the municipality will require from the police to submit a report on this case. "We condemn every incident that happens in our municipality. We request from the police and the Prosecution office to investigate this incident, and inform us on the outcome of investigation. We live together and we have no problems. Here the language, culture and religion are not an obstacle. We are all humans and we want to live and work together," said Gashi.

Slavko Simić leader of the Serbian list in Kosovo assembly said that this is one of a series of visits to the municipalities in which the Serbs live, and praised the cooperation between the mayor and Serb representatives working in the local administration.
