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The Serbian list: Rejected amendment that protects the economic interests of Serbs (RTK2, Kontakt plus radio)

The Kosovo Assembly did not adopt an amendment to the draft law on strategic investments proposed by the Serbian List which would protect the interests of Kosovo Serbs, it is said. It is expected that the amendment will be again on the agenda of some of the next sessions of Parliament.

The draft law on strategic investments would enable the Government of Kosovo to sign contracts on capital projects without calling a public tender and the participation of local governments. Such a proposal has not met with the support of the MPs of the Serbian List, who believe that in this way the question of strategic investments would be centralized, according to their opinion and a possibility of making decisions contrary to the interests of Serbs in Kosovo.

"This law is designed so that it can lead to the free disposal of the Government over the economic resources in municipalities with Serbian majority. It's about facilities and assets of state-owned enterprises, respectively enterprises of the Republic of Serbia ", says the head of the parliamentary group of the Serbian List, Slavko Simić.

The draft law was the first time before the lawmakers in July this year, however, did not pass due to the lack of quorum.

A deputy in the Kosovo Assembly, Nenad Rašić says that they are not against projects but that it is important to be involved in their implementation.

The analyst Azem Vllasi believes that local authorities cannot participate in decision-making on strategic investments but that they should protect the interests of the Serbs.

Political analyst, Azem Vllasi says nor Serbia or the Serbian community cannot influence the law on strategic investments but interest of the local community, in the territory where there is a strategic resource, has to be taken into account.