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OSCE presents "safety guide" to reporters in Kosovo (KIM radio, B92)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo has presented two journalist associations in Kosovo with its Safety Guide manual.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo and the Association of Journalists of Serbia in Kosovo also received desktop computers, laptops, and printers.

The ceremony was attended by the presidents of the two associations, Shkelqim Hysenaj and Budmir Nicic, and the head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo's media section, Dane Koruga.

The Safety Guide, available in three languages (Serbian, Albanian, English) provides "handy information for journalists and other media professionals on know-hows to protect themselves in volatile situations, riots, protests and demonstrations to help them avoid injuries and damage to their equipment," the OSCE said.

The guide "advises media professionals to use protective gear and visible insignia so that they distinguish from protesters and avoid getting hurt by the police or protesters," while including advice on "improvisations that help media professionals neutralize effects of teargas when reporting during violent situations."

It also provides the media professionals with available telephone numbers to seek legal advice, the OSCE said on its website.