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Stefanović: The request of the Minister of Albania is unacceptable interference in the sovereignty of Serbia (Blic)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Nebojša Stefanović said today in a letter to the Secretary General of Interpol Jürgen Stock that the request of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Albania for the reassessment of the red warrant for Ramush Haradinaj represented rough and unacceptable interference of one state in sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia.

The minister added that the request of the Albanian Minister represented unacceptable interference with the fundamental principles of work of Interpol related to the preservation of the sovereignty of states and the voluntary cooperation of the competent institutions in the field of international operational cooperation.

"The judicial authorities of the Republic of Serbia are absolutely sovereign and independent in the conduct of investigations in relation to criminal offenses, regardless whether perpetrators are of Serbian citizens, or citizens of any other sovereign state what so-called "Kosovo" is not," said Minister Stefanović.

The Minister stressed that the red warrant for Haradinaj meets all standards of the institute, and that the arrest warrant was prepared and published in accordance with the rules, procedures and standards of Interpol.

"I am deeply convinced that the expert character of an organization, such as Interpol should maintain the focus to the profession and thus avoid discussion of these issues which have an obvious political connotation that is not in the spirit of the Constitution of Interpol," concluded Stefanović.