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Kosovo Serbs on the alert (Politika)

Daily Politika quotes today Deputy Prime Minister in the Kosovo Government Branimir Stojanović saying that currently there are no operational data which show that safety is jeopardized, but he also says that there was no indication of the pogrom that took place on 17 March 2004.

Thus Stojanović assessed the current security situation among the Serbs in Kosovo after two successive threats from opposition's deputy from the ranks of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Daut Haradinaj, writes Politika in today's edition.

Stojanović expects from all in Kosovo that are present under the mandate of the UNSC Resolution 1244, primarily referring to KFOR, but also EULEX and Kosovo Police, to ensure safety.

He says there is no place for panic but then he stresses that "hatred expressed by Daut Haradinaj advises Serbs and non-Albanians to be careful and pay more attention to the safety."

Mayor of Zvečan/Zveçan Vučina Janković says that according to available information the security situation in the municipality of Zvečan/Zveçan is stable and he believes that KFOR will proceed in accordance with the mission entrusted, on the basis of UNSCR 1244, although they did not have for a long time meetings with representatives of KFOR.

Jankovic says that in three villages in the municipality of Zvečan/Zveçan live Albanians and recalls that Serbs had no problems in 2004, or in 1999.

Politika reports that Kosovo Police responsible for the region of Mitrovica did not want to officially comment on the threat but a source close to the police told Politika that ''the situation is under control, and there is no operational information about that it could happen an incursion of some extreme structure in this part of Kosovo''.