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Rašić: Authorities not to divide Kosovo Serbs (KIM radio)

President of the Progressive Democratic Party Nenad Rašić says that Belgrade umpteenth time divides Serbs in Kosovo, by supporting a single list.

"Serbs should take responsibility for their lives, and representatives of the state should not support one list and further separate the Serbs," said Rašić.

According to him, he never talked to anyone in the parliament about the formation of Kosovo Army.

"As a member of the Assembly of Kosovo, I didn't want to talk with a single Albanian leader about constitutional amendments which would allow the transformation of Security Kosovo Force into an Kosovo Army, so the statement of Minister Vulin that only Serbian list can guarantee that Kosovo army will not be formed has no place."

He points out that at the moment there is no Serb who would support or vote for the army of Kosovo.