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Lunacek: Implementation of the agreed is the priority (media)

European Parliament vice-president and rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek says that the priority of the new phase of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina should be the implementation of already reached agreements, with the goal of normalizing relations, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

"We still have to wait to see what will be the results of the renewed dialogue. Priority should be full implementation, on both sides, of already agreed agreements such as energy and freedom of movement. Each side must work for themselves, and not to wait the other. The EU would have to continue to insist on implementation in order to achieve full normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia," Lunacek said on the occasion of the last meeting of the President of Serbia and Kosovo in Brussels and the announcement on the beginning of a new phase in an EU-mediated dialogue.

She says, reports RTS, that the continuation of the Brussels dialogue will be difficult because of the lack of mutual trust and the lack of implementation of the agreed so far.

Lunacek called on the new government in Pristina, whatever coalition is made, to adopt a constructive approach and be fully involved in the dialogue.