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Serbian List: We will talk to everybody, including Haradinaj (media)

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simić said that the Serbian List will participate in all political consultations, regardless of who the new PM designate is going to be. Simić stated this in an interview for Radio Free Europe.

He said that the List is ready to participate in the political consultations with the representatives of Albanian parties, in order to perceive their real positions, when replying the question on whether and under which conditions would Serbian List support the government of Haradinaj.

-We are ready to talk to everyone, and therefore we expect that in the next few days, President Thaci will invite representatives of political parties who have entered the Assembly and who are now part of the parliament, to first consult with them and then with a new PM designate.

Simić stressed that political positions of the List were defined during the pre-election campaign and that they will surely adhere to these principles in order to have better position for the Serbian people in Kosovo than before.

Simić repeated once more, when asked concretely by RFE, does this means that the Serbian List will support the government of Ramush Haradinaj: Well, I will repeat that we will participate in all political consultations, regardless if this is Ramush Haradinaj, Albin Kurti or Isa Mustafa.

Asked what Serbian List expects from the new government, Simić replied that there were harmful laws that were adopted at the detriment of the Serbian people during the previous government of Isa Mustafa, and said that the List will insist on a change of a lot of things in order to enable Serbian people to also enjoy respect in the institutions.

He emphasized the importance of continuation of the dialogue in Brussels, and implementation of the reached agreements in Brussels, primarily the establishment of the future Association/Community of Serb municipalities.

-We will insist on the issues that are crucial for the survival of Serbian people, but we will also insist on revision of certain things and some legislative processes, which were in focus in the previous period, and first of all I refer to the Trepča Law, the Law on Strategic Investments, and I hope that in the Assembly and in the government we will cooperate constructively with our future partners, and I believe we can move many things from the deadlock, said Simić.

When asked whether Serbian List would respond to the invitation which Ramush Haradinaj sent to parties regarding the consultations on establishment of the government, Simić confirmed to RFE that he has not yet received such an invitation and he was not informed, but that the List is ready to attend every politically constructive talk no matter who invites them.