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Marko Jakišić writes an open letter to Vučić: Seal of treason and dishonor is more important than money and Nobel Prize (NSPM Magazine)

In an open letter to Serbian President Vučić, which was published on 25 July in Nova srpska politicka misao magazine, Marko Jakšić, former prominent member of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and the leading member of “Fatherland” (Otadzbina) movement said that the reason for this letter is Vučić’s “intention to finally solve the status of Kosovo and Metohija”. “One can feel in the air your desire to get rid of the southern Serbian province, because, for God’s sake, as you say, you will not leave that problem to your children” Jakšić said in his opening remarks. He reminded Vučić that the Brussels Agreement has abolished the institutions of the Republic of Serbia in KiM and underlined that in the past five years “you are leading the negotiations with the separatists, which are horrible vis-à-vis the Serbian national and state interests, because neither Serbs in KiM, nor the Republic of Serbia had any benefit from them”. Jakšić further states that “today we understand that you are getting ready, under the pressure from the West, to sign a peace treaty with Albanians in KiM”, which in his view equals the recognition that Kosovo is no longer part of Serbia, which is also one of the conditions for the EU accession. “Why don’t you be honest with the citizens of Serbia and organize a fair referendum, so that the people of Serbia can say whether it is ready to enter the EU by renouncing Kosovo and Metohija? I say “fair” for the reason that all of your campaigns until now were politically dirty, in which not all actors had an equal access to the media to express their views.” "The stories about the inter-Serbian dialogue are just an empty talk, because in that dishonest work, you are looking for accomplices, so that you’re not alone in your treason. After all, you have approached the negotiations with Priština in a frivolous manner, without any conception, strategy, and plan” Jakšić writes. Jakšić recalled the time that he was member of Belgrade’s negotiating team from 2006 to 2008 and stressed that back then, they have notified the public about everything in a transparent manner and pointed out that they have hired the most qualified experts that Serbia possessed. Jakšić commented the statement Vučić made about the “reality in KiM today” and stressed that with his talk about the reality “you are treating the crime as the realistic venue for the fulfilment of political goals, i.e. creation of another Albanian state in the Balkans”. Jakšić told Serbian President Vučić that it is not clear to him why is he in such a hurry to hand over Kosovo, whether it is because he wants to preserve his power or because of the money, “because in all this time, you, together with your brother became immensely rich” or is it perhaps because Vučić wants to please the “Big Brother” referring to the US. “However, Mr. President, bear in mind, that if today, you give Kosovo and Metohija, tomorrow they will ask you to introduce sanctions to Russia, then to bring Serbia into the NATO pact, and in the end they will dismiss you, because for them you will be a worn out and shabby politician, ”Jakšić said. At the end he urged Vučić not to hand over KiM in order not to bring the “curse on his children because they do not deserve it” and not to thus “mark them for life with the stamp of treason and dishonesty”.