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Sapic visits Kosovo, received with protests and insults (TV N1, KoSSev portal)

Former famous Serbian water-polo player and current mayor of Novi Beograd municipality, Aleksandar Sapic is paying a two-day visit to Kosovo, upon the invitation of Oliver Ivanovic, leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice, N1 TV reports quoting KoSSev portal.

However, Sapic was received last night in Mitrovica North with protests, where a group of mainly young people carried insulting banners, Serbian media further said.

Following the meeting with Oliver Ivanovic, Sapic held a press conference and later gave autographs to the youngsters. However, during the conference, a small group of people organized the protest.

“It is a shame, and it is regretful,” both Sapic and Ivanovic said commenting on the protest.

“I came here because of my personal relation with Ivanovic and while he was undergoing that unfortunate circumstances, I offered him true support to overcome it and to get out of it in the best possible way, both he and his family. Today, when he is in freedom, he deals with the same topic as I do, local politics,” Spaic stated.

Serbian media also reported, that a siren announcing an aerial danger, same sound citizens of Mitrovica were hearing during NATO bombardment in 1999, was heard during the protest. The protest lasted half an hour and after protesters dispersed.