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Vesti: Serbian knockout in the Kosovo ring – lower the atmosphere to the level of decency

Doctor Dragiša Milović says for Vesti portal that he is trying to reduce tension because it is about local elections. He says that he will not deal with the status, or the army of Kosovo, so that someone can accuse them of betraying national interests.

Milović told Vesti that unfortunately the ambient created indirectly lead to the fact that one young Mitrovica citizen was killed. Milović repeats and urges that although they are on different lists, they are not enemies that they are colleagues and neighbours, and that they all have to lower the atmosphere to the level of decency, reports the portal Vesti.

Among other things, he says to Vesti, that recently his wife, a specialist in physical medicine, was removed from the post of head of the institution after 17 years. Milović, who fought to preserve the institutions of Serbia in his town, says that he, after all, decided to try something with a group of like-minded people. And to the leadership of the Serbian List, which is in power in the four municipalities in the north, he says "if they did everything well, they have no reason to fear competition".

- If everything is so, the people will re-elect them. It will assess whether there was nepotism and partocracy. If they were so good, then why are so many threats that people will lose their jobs if they do not give them a vote - asks Milović.

About the case when his car was set on fire before the start of the campaign, Milović points out to Vesti portal that those who were threatening, as well as those who ordered it, have not been found.

- The police have every possibility to find out who did it. The street is covered with cameras. But when you do not find responsible, you say to citizens: "If it happened to Milović and Ivanović and went unpunished, watch what you are doing, it can happen to you too."