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PKS: Identity of Marko Jablanovic stolen (KIM Radio)

Party of Kosovo Serbs (PKS) said today in a response to accusations that Marko Jablanovic was involved in attacks against Srpska Lista activists, that someone had misused falsified identity card of Marko Jablanovic and presented it for identification, KIM Radio reported.

In its press statement, PKS addressed the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, saying that he has intention to bitterly divide Serbs in Kosovo and make the handover of the province “as easy as possible and as painless as possible for the Government in Belgrade,” KIM Radio reported. “Serbs from Kosovo were never close to any other government, but to the Government of Serbia, however, unfortunately it is a fact that the Government of Serbia, led by SNS became distant for the Serbs, talks one thing and does another in Kosovo,” PKS statement reads. Speaking about attack against Srpska Lista activists, PKS said: “It is about stolen identity of Marko Jablanovic, and a person misused falsified identity card, presenting it for identification under someone’s else surname, what is, you would agree, absolutely possible and what would be proven by the further investigative acts by police and the judiciary in Kosovo”. (Additional info: Brother of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Andrej Vucic was target of a stolen and misused identity, see at: is external))