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Rakic: They cannot exert pressure on Serbs by demonstrating force (Kontakt plus radio, B92)

North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakic says that media reports on the blockade of funds for northern Kosovo by the  responsible ministry in Pristina suggests that someone believes that by demonstrating force one can exert political pressure on Serbs, reports Kontakt plus radio.

- Of course it will not pass, and it is not a recipe for solving political problems, Rakic said.

At this point, I cannot comment on a statement when we have not officially received any decision from the Ministry of Finance, the Cabinet of the Mayor of Mitrovica said, therefore reacting to the news that the Kosovo Ministry of Finance refused to approve requests of the four northern municipalities to receive financial support in the realization of projects, and from the Development Fund.

The report of the auditor contains a recommendation which we already slowly apply in our municipalities, as well as everywhere in Kosovo, but it is symptomatic that Albanian municipalities are not threatened to freeze funds, Rakic said in a statement sent from his cabinet.

"I will remind the respective gentleman, but also the public. These funds are not his, nor the funds allocated by the Government in Pristina, but the funds collected at our crossings, in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which was agreed in Brussels, and cannot be changed by one-sided moves," Rakic pointed, reports Kontakt plus radio.

Project support will be unblocked when these municipalities "begin to comply with all laws in force," Finance Minister Bedri Hamza said.

The money was paid to the municipalities of Zubin Potok and Zvecan from the Fund for North, and this decision will be formalized on Monday, B92 learns.

Previously, KTV reported that the Kosovo Ministry of Finance refused to approve requests from four northern municipalities to receive financial support in the implementation of projects from the Development Fund.