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"Serbs are small but proud nation, and value Russia highly" (B92)

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday thanked his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic for their constructive talks that took place in Moscow.

Addressing a joint news conference, Putin said that the conversation went in a friendly atmosphere, and that the talks were substantial.

As he pointed out, the two countries are striving to develop their interstate cooperation, and in this context, he mentioned the marking of the 180th anniversary of the establishment of Russia-Serbia diplomatic relations.

Putin said that he and Vucic also paid attention to economic cooperation, the Russian capital in Serbia that has "accumulated to reach four billion" - and about the deepening of investment cooperation.

Putin said that Serbia is important not only as an importer, but also for the transit of Russia's natural gas. He mentioned the Turkish Stream pipeline in that context.

When it comes to the Balkans, Putin said that Russia is interested in stabilizing the situation in the region, and added that Vucic received confirmation from him that the Russian side would provide Serbia with support.

Putin said his country Russia would also continue to support Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Russia will support any decision reached by Belgrade and Pristina, Putin said, stressing that a solution should be achieved by political means and through dialogue between the two sides, and in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

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