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“Belgrade rejects Thaci’s army” (Vecernje Novosti)

USA official Wess Mitchell arrived to Belgrade echoed with a threatening message that no one should dare to object the establishment of the so-called Kosovo army, daily Vecernje Novosti reports today.

However, according to the daily, Serbs from Kosovo would not accept the establishment of the army and direct violation of the UN SC Resolution 1244, despite USA being supportive of that scenario.

It also reminded that during his “Balkan tour” Mitchell told Kosovo President Hashim Thaci that no one has the right to veto transformation of KSF into armed forces and that the USA would continue to support this process. It is also a direct threat to the Serbs in Kosovo, that could jeopardize the fragile stability of the entire region, Vecernje Novosti further wrote.

Srpska Lista made its stance on Kosovo army clear several times. It says the only legal and legitimate armed force in Kosovo is KFOR, mandated by the UN SC Resolution 1244.

Serbian Defense Minister, Aleksandar Vulin also referred to the Resolution 1244, saying apart from KFOR there is no other armed force in Kosovo.

“The international community came to Kosovo with the will of the UN SC and as long as it remains as such, Resolution 1244 must be respected. Forcible creation of the so-called Kosovo army would be a violation of the Resolution and would cause unthinkable consequences to the UN system and international law,” Vulin said.

Vecernje Novosti also recalled the statements of the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, who said that the transformation of the KSF into the armed forces is possibly only through constitutional amendments and consultations with Belgrade.

Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun told daily Mitchell’s messages are yet another evidence that the USA and NATO are behind the project of transforming KSF into Kosovo army.