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“States arrest, terrorists kidnap – they have shown true face” (BETA, TV Pink)

Serbian Defense Minister, Aleksandar Vulin told the BETA news agency, he supports the decision of Srpska Lista to leave Kosovo Government, adding they should have done it much earlier.

“I support the decision of Srpska Lista and they should have done it earlier on the occasion of other anti-Serbian moves taken by Ramush Haradinaj,” Vulin said.

“It was needed to bring them down earlier, but this is an excellent day to bring that government down. Let them go before inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija and elaborate on what are they doing.”

Vulin termed the arrest of Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric “as terrorist attack and kidnapping.”

“States are arresting, terrorist organizations are kidnapping. They are all unpunished KLA terrorists, and how they can act but using the most brutal force. This was a terrorist attack against Marko Djuric,” Vulin said, according to the Serbian media.