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Dacic: East Kosovo - goals from the time of the Prizren League (Kontakt plus radio, Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic emphasizes today that it is not the first time that some Kosovo officials called Presevo and Bujanovac, eastern Kosovo, reminding that these are the goals since the Prizren League to the present day, report Serbian media.

Dacic was asked to comment Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj's statement on eastern Kosovo, and said that he does not know exactly what he said in Albanian but that he has no dilemma about it.

"This is not the first time and it's nothing new. When Isa Mustafa was the prime minister and received the presidents of the municipalities of Bujanovac and Presevo, as well as representatives of political parties from Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, they also used the term, that he received representatives of eastern Kosovo. Because of it I reacted with statements and wrote to the European Commission," Dacic told reporters.

The head of diplomacy said that they do not use these terms by chance, reports Kontakt plus radio.

"Thaci did not say by chance that they wanted to demolish the border between the Albanian people and the two Albanian states at the Kosare (border with Albania), it is not accidental that Rama spoke about the formation of a Greater Albania. I do not know who said that they would come to Nis. Those are all their goals from the Prizren League to the present," said Dacic, the radio reports.

"When Thaci says today and threatens with guns, we all need to know that he will need to ask those whose guns are. Serbia does not react in such a way, to warm up the atmosphere but it calms it down," said the head of Serbian diplomacy.

When it comes to NATO's informal reaction to the detention of Marko Djuric, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Dacic says that an order was given to the head of the NATO Mission to determine whether there was any official response or it was just about news articles.

Dacic recalls that there is a clear procedure for informing about the crossing of the administrative line and that Serbia has complied with these procedures.

"These procedures were part of the dialogue that was being conducted. Marko Djuric took part in the dialogue when those things were agreed. One part concerns the possibility of appointing one person who will be able to cross the administrative line faster and more operatively. Djuric and Edita Tahiri, on their side. Serbia fully complied with the procedure," stresses Dacic.

Dacic also points out, in connection with NATO's unofficial reaction which claimed that Pristina did not seek permission to take action in the north of Kosovo, that this is an important issue for Serbia as NATO assumed an obligation on itself.

He reminded that Aleksandar Vucic, Hashim Thaqi and Catherine Ashton, before signing the agreement, went to NATO headquarters in order to have the guarantee that no armed forces would be allowed to come into the territory of the north of Kosovo without the approval of KFOR and informing the heads of the local self-governments, reports Kontakt plus radio.

"If this is an official statement from NATO, then this is another old attempt of symmetry of guilt - everyone is a little guilty," Dacic criticized, adding that and Pacolli has said that it was a shame what they did to Djuric.

Asked for the Sofia Summit - the EU Western Balkans Summit, Dacic says that it is not yet decided who will take part in it.

He recalls that Serbia never participates in conferences where Kosovo participates, and where it is about countries, but only where the phrase "participants in the Western Balkans processes" is used.

"The invitation is addressed to the head of state, and the summit brings together the heads of states or governments. That is why the question is for the president and the prime minister who will take part in it," Dacic said, reports the radio.