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Jeremic: Vucic plans to cause unrests in north of Kosovo (Danas)

Leader of Peoples’ Party Vuk Jeremic said the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic plans to cause unrests in the north of Kosovo in the next couple of months in order to present an agreement with Pristina, which includes membership of Kosovo in the UN, as an alleviation.

“We have seen this recipe before, pull up the strings, set a fire, then distinguish it and present it as God’s given solution. This is how Vucic intends to reach “historic agreement,” Jeremic said during the founding ceremony of Peoples’ Party Municipal Board in Vozdovac (Belgrade) municipality.

Jeremic added that the appointment of a notorious Milan Radojicic, a man who runs criminal activities in the north of Kosovo “in a full correlation with the Belgrade authorities and with their support,” as a Srpska Lista deputy chairperson, is part of the Serbian authorities’ preparation to create staged unrests in the north of Kosovo, Danas daily further reported.

“They would attempt to cause unrests to scare people from a new war. Such unrests should lead the Serbian public into a state of mind that any sort of agreement, even the acceptance of Serbia to grant Kosovo seat in the UN, would be seen as an alleviation, since we have avoided the worst,” Jeremic said, adding that Vucic and “ruling cycles” this way plan to serve to the population something that all historic books would certainly qualify as an act of high-treason.

“We have to prevent him from doing that and a great responsibility is upon us. Regime of Serbian Progressive Party holds Serbia in a de-facto state of occupation,” Jeremic said, adding that Vucic with successive concessions, which are contrary to the national interests, is buying international support for the continuation of “his bandits repression” in Serbia.

The international community does not criticize the way in which Vucic rules Serbia, since it expects from him to close the Kosovo issue by the end of this year, and he plans in return to secure their support to remain few more years in power,” Jeremic said, adding if Vucic is allowed to sell out Kosovo, then he would offer to deprive of powers Republic of Srpska to get a few more years in power, and at the end to bring Serbia to NATO in a same manner, Danas daily reported.