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Vucic: No EU draft of final agreement on Kosovo (BETA, TV N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday that he has not been given any draft of a final agreement on normalizing Belgrade-Pristina relations by someone from the European Union.

“I have not seen a draft or a proposal as an EU paper. I have seen others which I rejected… When something serious arrives I will inform you,” Vucic said.

The Beta news agency said that an official of an EU member state demanded to see the draft of a final Belgrade-Pristina agreement at a recent meeting of EU officials.

Vucic said the dialogue under EU auspices would continue but added that the US and Russia would be involved. “If Washington is getting involved, our interest is to see Moscow involved as well as someone who has not recognized the independence of Kosovo,” he added.

The Serbian President also said he had discussed the issue with both the US and Russian Ambassadors to Serbia, Kyle Scott and Alexander Chepurin.