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“Referendum on agreement with Pristina most probably in 2019” (Danas)

In case of any agreement reached between Belgrade and Pristina, a referendum on that topic would most certainly take place, and according to Danas daily diplomatic sources’ expectations it would happen next year.

According to the sources, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic also announced such scenario following his talks with Hashim Thaci last Sunday, by saying that “he won’t sign anything, but the people would have the final say.”

The referendum would be organized as late as possible, probably in the beginning of 2019, however the West is not so keen to have that referendum organized and would consider it “unnecessary,” Danas daily further claims.

The daily could not obtain a precise answer from the President Vucic’s cabinet on this topic, given that talks are still ongoing, and a solution is still searched for.

If Belgrade and Pristina sign an agreement in the next couple of months, deadline for its implementation would be spring 2019, and the West still insists on the agreement that would allow Kosovo to join the UN and other international organizations, while Serbia would get Association/Community of Serb-Majority Municipalities and possibly “exact year when it would join the EU.” According to Danas sources such outcome would mean a definitive turning of Serbia towards the West.

On the other hand, Serb officials are pledging for the division of Kosovo, so the north and SOC monasteries would belong to Serbia, however such scenario does not have the support of the West.

Meanwhile, Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister, Ivica Dacic told Danas it is too soon to talk about when a referendum on lasting solution to the Kosovo issue could be held.