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Coalition bloc calls postponement of assembly session unacceptable (Koha)

The meeting of the post-coalition bloc representatives called after the decision to postpone Kosovo Assembly constitutive session has ended.

The bloc’s candidate for prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, said the postponement of Assembly’s session is unacceptable and that the decision of the chair, Flora Brovina, only served the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

Haradinaj said it is only the PDK that is blocking establishment of new institutions. He said there is no need for new elections as the solution to the crisis is already inside the Assembly.

Leader of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, criticized the decision to postpone the session and added that they are ready to meet with President Atifete Jahjaga if she were to call a meeting next week.

At the same time, Haradinaj added that no international official took part in the bloc’s meeting.