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Rrahim Pacolli requests interruption of the discussions with Serbia (Epoka e Re)

Head of Kosovo’s technical delegation in the discussions between Kosovo and Serbia held in Brussels, Rrahim Pacolli, has proposed to the government of Kosovo to stop the discussions with Serbia, due to the lack of implementation of the agreement on the freedom of movement. “Serbia’s non-implementation of the agreement for the free movement of the citizens shows once again lack of seriousness and stability demonstrated continuously by the Serbian political elite towards the international factor. The international community and the EU should bear in mind that such games by Serbia will continue, as it happened in the past,” said Pacolli.

“The Serbian political elite continue again to behave in an unscrupulous manner. I propose annulment of all the meetings and discussions with the Serbian party, until the implementation of this agreement,” Pacolli said.

According to him, mutual recognition of security policies would have been a step further to the Green Card. He added that Kosovo made all the preparations for implementation of this agreement reached in Brussels.