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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 15, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • President Thaci sends third letter to Kurti (media) 
  • Thaci: Kosovo needs government with full mandate (media)
  • US Embassy: Follow guidelines issued by government and municipalities (media)
  • Heldt: Increase of Covid-19 cases in Kosovo is not a good thing (RTK)
  • Another patient succumbs to COVID - 19, total of 9 fatalities (media)
  • President Thaci meets heads of judicial institutions (media)
  • Latifi: An LDK-led govt formed to reach final deal with Serbia (Express)

Serbian Language Media:

  • President Vucic says there will be no exception for Easter (B92)
  • Crisis headquarters in north said new measures entered in force, movement allowed for 90 minutes (KoSSev)
  • Seven new cases of Covid-19 infection in northern Kosovo (Radio kontakt plus)
  • Palmer: US aid helped Western Balkans tackle pandemic (N1, VoA)
  • European Commission set to change restrictions on export of medical equipment (N1, RTS)
  • Ban on export of medication produced in Serbia takes effect (N1, FoNet)


  • Fighting COVID-19 in Serbia is not a suppression of democracy (The Washington Post)
  • Reality Check: Will COVID-19 Remake The World? (Balkan Insight)


  • Kosovo Opposition Signals Readiness to Form New Government (Balkan Insight)


  • Number of coronavirus cases exceeded two million, US still on top (B92)



Albanian Language Media


President Thaci sends third letter to Kurti (media) 

All news websites report that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci has sent a third letter today to acting Prime Minister Albin Kurti asking him to propose a candidate for Prime Minister that would try to form a new government.

Thaci wrote that the citizens of Kosovo and the political parties are rightfully expecting him to nominate a new Prime Minister candidate.

Thaci said he would undertake this action by following all constitutional steps in order to have a new government in place as soon as possible.

"I will undertake this action while following all constitutional steps so that the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo can have their government as soon as possible, especially during this pandemic which requires an efficient and effective government with a full constitutional mandate," Thaci wrote.

"I assure you that within a reasonable period of time and in line with the urgency to give the country a new Government legitimised by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, I will nominate a candidate for Prime Minister to form a Government," Thaci concluded.

Thaci: Kosovo needs government with full mandate (media)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci met today with Quint ambassadors and the EU Representative in Kosovo to discuss the latest developments, the COVID – 19 situation and political issues, most news websites report.

Thaci thanked all ambassadors for the support their countries have given to Kosovo to fight the coronavirus pandemic. “We are all fighting the pandemic together and we must all cooperate, in Kosovo, the region and the world,” he said.

Thaci also briefed the ambassadors about his letters to acting Prime Minister and Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti to propose a candidate for Prime Minister that would try to form a new government.

“The citizens of Kosovo want and need a government with a full mandate especially in the emergency circumstances caused by the pandemic,” he said. Thaci also added that he will undertake all steps in line with the Constitution and the legislation in force, based on the practices so far and the willingness of political parties represented in the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo.

US Embassy: Follow guidelines issued by government and municipalities (media)

The United States Embassy in Prishtina said in a statement today: “We know global social distancing and following local movement restrictions is getting old. But it is so important we continue to follow the guidelines issued by the Government of Kosovo and local municipalities in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. We'll be able to see each other in person sooner if these measures are followed. We're in this together, and together we can defeat COVID-19.”

Heldt: Increase of Covid-19 cases in Kosovo is not a good thing (RTK)

Christian Heldt, German Ambassador to Kosovo wrote on his Twitter account that everybody can show responsibility by abiding with safety measures.

“EU countries are going through challenging times with lockdowns as everywhere around the world. But shows that social distancing works, also in Germany. Rise of infection figures in Kosovo, not good. Everybody can show responsibility by abiding with safety measures. Stay safe, prevent coronavirus,” Heldt wrote.

Another patient succumbs to COVID - 19, total of 9 fatalities (media)

All news websites report that a 69 year-old person from the municipality of Suhareka has succumbed to COVID - 19 in Prishtina Hospital on Tuesday evening. The Ministry of Health said in a Facebook post that the patient was also suffering from cardiac problems. Nine persons in Kosovo have died so far from complications from the coronavirus.

President Thaci meets heads of judicial institutions (media)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci met today with heads of judicial institutions to discuss the threat of COVID – 19 spreading in Kosovo’s correctional facilities, several news websites report. Thaci said it is good news that so far there have been no infected persons in the correctional facilities and that every step must be taken to prevent this from happening. “The people’s health is at stake and it is important for the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo to care for every citizen and to find solutions for every citizen in line with the legislation in force,” Thaci said.

Latifi: An LDK-led govt formed to reach final deal with Serbia (Express)

Blerim Latifi, professor of philosophy at Prishtina University and political commentator, took to Facebook today to argue that a new government led by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) will be formed to reach a final deal between Kosovo and Serbia. "Whether or not there will be an agreement this year, it is difficult to say, given the global unrest caused by the coronavirus," Latifi writes.



Serbian Language Media


President Vucic says there will be no exception for Easter (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic meet with Serbian member of Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency Milorad Dodik in Belgrade, B92 reports.

Following the meeting, President Vucic said that Serbia would send hundreds of thousands of protective masks, gloves and new respirators to Republic of Srpska.

Vucic added that there was some encouraging news related to coronavirus pandemic in the past 24 hours that would be discussed at a press conference to be held by doctors, but it was vitally important that we be disciplined next weekend.

"I would ask the pensioners to be patient a little more, just to show tolerance. It is still a great danger, the virus is still quite powerful," Vucic said.

He said he could not make an exception on Easter and would again call on (Serbian Orthodox Church) Patriarch Irinej to ask for services to be held but without the presence of people.

"All our televisions, I'm sure, will be interested in broadcasting and airing the liturgy and praying in their homes," he said.

Serbian media earlier reported that the curfew in Serbia would start on Friday, April 17, at 17.00 until Tuesday, April 21, at 5 a.m.  

See at:

Crisis headquarters in north said new measures entered in force, movement allowed for 90 minutes (KoSSev)

“It is necessary to undertake new measures aiming to protect the citizens,” MItrovica North mayor Goran Rakic told a press conference this morning, adding the new measures for all four northern municipalities were introduced in line with experts’ recommendations, KoSSev portal reports.

The new measures are the ones announced by the Kosovo Minister of Health Arben Vitia limiting the movement of citizens to 90 minutes a day, and confirmed last night by the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric.

As KoSSev portal further said, since this morning citizens are allowed to leave their houses 90 minutes per day, in line with the timetable made based on the second from last digit of the personal number in ID cards. The timetable will change every week or every third day, which would be decided afterwards and citizens timely notified.

For those who have Serbian ID cards the permit for their movement would be decided based on the second from the last digit of the registration number. It is a 9-digit number on the front side of the ID cards.

The shops and pharmacies would be open in the period from 7 a.m to 23.00. 

Seven new cases of Covid-19 infection in northern Kosovo (Radio kontakt plus)

Seven more cases of Covid-19 infection were registered in northern Kosovo today, epidemiologist Aleksandar Antonijevic said in a press conference, Radio kontakt plus reports.

Four cases were registered in Mitrovica North, two cases in Zvecan and one case in Zubin Potok.

Antonijevic also said that three persons so far have been cured from Covid-19 infection, adding that in the period from March 12 to April 14, 514 persons have been tested.

The total number of infected persons is as follows: 27 in Mitrovica North (including one patient who passed away and three healed persons), 15 in Zvecan, 6 in Leposavic (including the patient who passed away), 9 in Zubin Potok and 1 in central Kosovo, Radio kontakt plus recalled. 

Palmer: US aid helped Western Balkans tackle pandemic (N1, VoA)

US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer told Voice of America that the countries of the region are in a good position to respond to  coronavirus pandemic thanks in large part to the US aid.

“The countries of the Western Balkans are in a position to strongly respond to the coronavirus threat, thanks in large part of the efforts invested by the US in helping them develop their institutional capacities,” he said and recalled that his country invested billions of USD in aid in the region. He said that USD 500 million will be required for the immediate needs of the Western Balkan countries.

Asked about aid from China and Russia, Palmer said that this is not a competition. “If China and Russia are helping Serbia and other countries in the Western Balkans, that’s great,” he said and recalled that the EU is providing even more aid and the US is sending aid directly to individual countries and through international institutions. He said that the US can provide significant amounts of aid to its partners across the world, including the Western Balkans despite the pandemic situation at home. 

See at:

European Commission set to change restrictions on export of medical equipment (N1, RTS)

The European Commission (EC) is set to propose changes to regulations limiting the export of medical equipment outside the European Union, N1 was told by the EC on Tuesday.

The Commission replied to a question about export of medical equipment to the Western Balkans saying that talks had been conducted with member states before a revised proposal was drafted. 

The proposal is for the medical equipment and materials whose exports have been limited and will reduce the number of items on the restricted list, EC Spokesperson Daniel Rosario said, adding that the EC received a letter from Western Balkan governments asking for exemptions from the export restrictions. He said that the EC sees the logic of the request and that the new proposal is being finalized. 

The EC imposed the restrictions on exports of medical equipment on March 15. The measure will remain in force until April 25 but can be reviewed.

Meanwhile, RTS reported that Serbia and other Western Balkans countries will be excluded from the system of restrictions for export of medical equipment from the EU. The new decision will be valid for 30 days and enters in force on April 26. 

Ban on export of medication produced in Serbia takes effect (N1, FoNet)

A ban on exports of medication from Serbia took effect on Wednesday, FoNet news agency reported adding that the ban will remain in force for 30 days. 

The ban was imposed on all medication for human consumption produced in Serbia, including medication not registered in the country and meant only for export. 

Under an April 13 decree issued by the Serbian Government, domestic producers, importers and exporters are obliged to ensure continuous supplies of medication for the Serbian market.





Fighting COVID-19 in Serbia is not a suppression of democracy (The Washington Post)

By: Ana Brnabic, Prime Minister of Serbia

'We can protect both democracy and our citizens from coronavirus'

Much like the rest of Europe, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit Serbia hard. But with a population that is older than most around the world and having received an influx of hundreds of thousands of Serbian citizens from abroad over the last few weeks, our country is at even greater risk than others. As a result, President Aleksandar Vucic and the Serbian government have taken serious precautions to protect our citizens and economy.

Sadly, however, some have inaccurately depicted these precautions as government overreach or even a suppression of democracy in Serbia. Neither is true. The measures adopted by Mr. Vucic and the Serbian government to fight coronavirus are both proportional to the threat and consistent with democratic practice in times of crisis.

See at:

Reality Check: Will COVID-19 Remake The World? (Balkan Insight)

By: Dani Rodrik

Don’t expect the pandemic to reverse tendencies evident before the crisis. Populist autocrats will become even more authoritarian.

Crises come in two variants: those for which we could not have prepared, because no one had anticipated them, and those for which we should have been prepared, because they were in fact expected.

See at:





Kosovo Opposition Signals Readiness to Form New Government (Balkan Insight)

The Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, has indicated its willingness to form a new government with a range of smaller parties – as soon as it receives a mandate to form an administration from President Thaci.

Isa Mustafa, leader of the former junior partner in government, the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, on Tuesday said his party was ready to form a new governing coalition with smaller parties – but will not discuss potential candidates for the post of prime minister before officially receiving a mandate from the President.

“We only have the consent to form a coalition [from the LDK Steering Committee],” Mustafa told a local TV station. He stressed that while his party cannot discuss candidates for prime minister yet, once it has a mandate to form a government, the nomination could follow quickly, “because we have much good staff in the LDK”.

Earlier on Tuesday, the LDK Steering Committee voted in favour of potentially forming a governing coalition with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, AAK, led by former prime minister Ramush Haradinaj, the New Kosovo Alliance, AKR, led by former foreign minister Behgjet Pacolli, the Social Democratic Initiative, NISMA, and some ethnic minority communities.

See at:





Number of coronavirus cases exceeded two million, US still on top (B92)

The number of new coronavirus cases worldwide has exceeded two million, according to the latest Worldometers data. Washington-based John Hopkins University says on its portal dedicated to the coronavirus that just under two million people have been infected with COVID-19 virus - 1.982.552.

However, according to the latest WHO data, last updated yesterday, there are 1.848.439 confirmed cases worldwide.

The Worldometers portal reports that 2.000.728 people were infected with the virus, 126.776 died and 484.747 were recovered.

The most infected are the United States, 614.246, while 26.064 people have died from the virus in that country.

See at: