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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 23, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Assembly does not adopt PDK-sponsored resolution on strike in education (RFE)
  • Nagavci: We have addressed all demands, except for the additional €100 (Sinjali)
  • SBASHK: We can emerge from this situation only through an agreement (Demokracia)
  • SBASHK receives letter of support from American Federation of Teachers (Express)
  • CDHRF calls for understanding from SBASHK: The strike must end (Nacionale)
  • AmCham calls for dialogue and compromise to end strike (Telegrafi)
  • NATO: Additional troops from UK will take part in routine drill (Express)
  • NATO and security experts fear possible tensions in the north of Kosovo (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • EU invited 44 countries to the summit in Prague (media)
  • Vucic meets Iranian President Raisi (Tanjug)
  • Vucic meets US Under Secretary Nuland in New York (Tanjug)
  • Petar Miletic, former Deputy PM: The information that I was appointed as an adviser to Kurti is only half correct (Danas)
  • Rasic, Trajkovic on the Miletic's appointment (, Kosovo Online)
  • Tour guide on incident in Pec (Radio KIM)
  • MFA: Serbia's strong diplomatic activity in UN continues (Tanjug, media)
  • ''Which countries have recognized Kosovo and which have not?'' (Danas) 
  • Establishment of government war crimes institute in Kosovo – related risks and timeframe (Radio KIM)


  • "Kurti is trying to place Serbia alongside Russia, and as a Marxist-Leninist he knows that Kosovo is neither a state nor independent" (Danas) 


  • Rizvanolli asks citizens in Kosovo* if they are willing to pay for power imports (



Albanian Language Media  


Assembly does not adopt PDK-sponsored resolution on strike in education (RFE)

The Kosovo Assembly has failed to adopt a resolution proposed by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) to find a solution to the ongoing strike in the education sector. The resolution provided that the government would have to start negotiations with the Strike Council of the Union of Trade Workers Unions of Kosovo (BSPK) within 48 hours and find a solution to the strike. The resolution also noted that BSPK representatives would be included in the working group on the draft law on wages before the document is discussed for approval in government.

Nagavci: We have addressed all demands, except for the additional €100 (Sinjali)

Kosovo’s Minister of Education, Arberie Nagavci, said today that the government has addressed all the demands coming from the Union of Education, Science and Culture (SBASHK) except for the demand for an additional monthly payment of €100 until the law on wages is adopted. Nagavci said in a meeting with MPs and SBASHK representatives that children must not be denied their right to education. She also said that classes in Kosovo’s schools must start next Monday and that the government will continue to address the demands of the education sector.

SBASHK: We can emerge from this situation only through an agreement (Demokracia)

With the strike in education entering its fourth week, representatives of the Union of Education, Science and Culture (SBASHK) and government ministers are meeting today in the Assembly’s Committee on Education to discuss the stalemate. SBASHK representative, Vjollca Shala, said their goal is to reach a common agreement. She said that the demands of the Union of Trade Workers Unions (BSPK) are not only about SBASHK but for all employees in the public sector. 

SBASHK Secretary, Ymer Ymeri, said the committee on education should focus on finding a way to emerge from the strike. “Please let us focus on finding a way out of the strike. If there is mutual readiness, I can guarantee that the unions are willing to emerge from this situation. We can do this only by reaching an agreement through talks,” Ymeri said.

SBASHK receives letter of support from American Federation of Teachers (Express)

The Union of Education, Science and Culture (SBASHK) said in a statement today that it has received a letter of support from the American Federation of Teachers. The letter signed by AFT leader Randi Weingarten notes: “On behalf of AFT’s 1.7 million members, we support the teachers of Kosovo and your union’s efforts for wages, respect, and recognition. We are honoured to cooperate with SBASHK, and appreciate your dedicated service to your membership. In these extraordinary times, as governments in both our countries continue to push for greater educational workloads but provide fewer resources, we refuse to allow teachers to be blamed for an economic crisis they did not create. Teachers - and their public sector brothers and sisters are the spirit of their communities, and they deserve the right to fair wages, greater appreciation, and our gratitude. We know that in the days ahead, SBASHK members will defend their rights, and we stand with you in full solidarity.” 

CDHRF calls for understanding from SBASHK: The strike must end (Nacionale)

The Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said in a statement today that the strike in education must end and classes must begin in order to avoid further damage to the pupils. 

“The right to education is a human right and in the concrete case the strike of SBASHK is denying this right to pupils in Kosovo with the exception of a few cases that are not obeying SBASHK. There is no doubt that the human rights of pupils in Kosovo are being violated with this strike. The government of Kosovo has proved stubborn by not trying to resolve the problem through a negotiated agreement with SBASHK but attacked SBASHK by using a lynching, bullying, threatening and blackmailing discourse especially against the head of the union, Rrahman Jasharaj, and by penalising them to remove their wages for the time they were on strike.”

According to the Council, “the current situation requires a mediated solution, neither the demand of SBASHK nor the refusal of the government, as has been the case so far”.

“If no agreement is reached, the situation and the purpose of the strike will degrade to the point of creating an anarchy. Between two unalienable rights – the right of SBASHK and the right of the pupils – the advantage goes to the fulfilment of the right of the pupils because it can have much graver consequences, therefore, CDHRF calls on SBASHK to show understanding and withdraw from their maximal demands, also because the failure to hold classes is producing a chain of effects in all areas.”

“CDHRF once again calls for the learning process to start immediately, otherwise SBASHK too will bear concrete responsibility for violating human rights by blocking the learning process. The patience of parents and pupils is reaching its end and they should not and cannot suffer because of the stubbornness of the government and SBASHK”.

AmCham calls for dialogue and compromise to end strike (Telegrafi)

The American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo (AmCham) in a statement today expressed concern about the ongoing strike of teachers and the lack of readiness to find a compromise solution that would end the crisis.

“The migration of the people in the last couple of years – confirmed by local and international institutions – as a result of social disappointment and seeking a better future abroad, is being deteriorated further by the current socio-economic situation in the country.”

The AmCham reminds the line institutions that the current situation which is linked to the fast and continued rise in living costs requires proper conventional measures and not improvised decisions that have short-term effects and could even prove counter effective.

The AmCham expressed consideration for the demands of the representatives of teachers and also called for readiness to reach a compromise solution so that classes can begin and to allow for the right of children to education.

“The public discourse should encourage reaching a compromise and not further deteriorate relations between the social partners. In this respect, the American Chamber of Commerce calls on the institutions to promote an honest dialogue with all stakeholders in the country. Governance is the responsibility of state institutions and in developed democracies it goes beyond the state and includes social organisations, the private sector, and civil society organisations in general”.

NATO: Additional troops from UK will take part in routine drill (Express)

An unnamed NATO official of NATO told the news website that additional troops from the UK will take part in a routine drill of KFOR that will last from September 27 to November 2. “The additional troops were deployed as a part of a routine drill for one of its reserve units, which the NATO-led KFOR mission will carry out from September 27 to November 2. A military contingent from the UK arrived in Kosovo on September 11 for integration activities with KFOR assets and personnel before the drill. The units will carry out training activities to maintain a high level of preparedness. Once the drill is complete, this military contingent will depart from Kosovo,” the NATO official said.

Asked about the assessment of the security situation in Kosovo, the official said “the situation throughout Kosovo is generally calm”. He also said that KFOR remains vigilant and that the commander of the peacekeeping troops “remains in contact with the security organisations in Kosovo and the Serbian chief of defence”.

“The only path toward sustainable peace is for Belgrade and Prishtina to resolve their issues through dialogue and to reach a solution that respects the rights of all communities. This is why NATO continues to support the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Prishtina,” the NATO official said.

NATO and security experts fear possible tensions in the north of Kosovo (RTK)

Leaders of NATO peacekeeping troops in Kosovo said the situation in the north is currently peaceful but fragile and they do not rule out possible tensions when the deadline to convert Serbian licence plates to RKS plates expires on October 31. 

KFOR Deputy Commander, Luca Piperni, said they could increase the number of reserve troops in the event the situation escalates. 

Head of the Kosovo Assembly’s Committee for Security and Defense, Beke Berisha, said the situation could become tense and that KFOR has taken all necessary measures. “We have a direct problem with Serbia. We are in negotiations and the situation is already tense. The situation can deteriorate and KFOR certainly takes all necessary measures,” he told the news website.

Drizan Shala, security expert, said the situation could become tense if there is no political agreement between Kosovo and Serbia. “Some 600-1,000 military personnel have arrived in camp Bondsteel, and they are performing several operational activities in the territory of Kosovo, in coordination with EULEX too, based on the possibility of tensions if an agreement is not reached between Kosovo and Serbia,” he said.



Serbian Language Media 


EU invited 44 countries to the summit in Prague (media)

The European Union invited the heads of 44 states and governments to attend the Prague Summit on the occasion of the establishment of the European political community on October 6, reported Serbian media.

In addition to the 27 member countries, representatives of the candidate countries - Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia, Ukraine, and Moldova, as well as other countries of the Western Balkans, but also Turkey and Great Britain, were invited to the meeting, the unnamed representative of the EU announced, Austrian media reported.

The conflicting Caucasian republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan were also invited. The goal of the new political community is to create an opportunity to consider issues of common interest through strengthening security, stability, and well-being in Europe.

The new format for the conversation is being established at the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron, who in May, speaking in Strasbourg, proposed a new format for political cooperation. Macron then pointed out that all democratic countries that share the same values should participate in that format.

The President of the EU Council, Charles Michel, as well as the Czech Republic, which will hold the presidency of the Union until the end of the year, invited the participants to the meeting in Prague.

Vucic meets Iranian President Raisi (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic continued his meetings with foreign officials in New York with a discussion with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Thursday, Tanjug news agency reports.

Vucic reiterated his gratitude for Iran's consistent, firm and principled position of non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo despite substantial pressure, and said Serbia highly appreciated the stance.

Raisi noted that the Islamic Republic of Iran would continue to adhere to the principle of respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries and added that his country's position on the issue would remain unchanged in the case of the Republic of Serbia, in keeping with the principles of international law and the UN Charter, the press office of the Serbian president said in a statement.

During the day, Vucic will hold a series of formal and informal meetings as part of his attendance at the 77th UN General Assembly session and on its margins. Vucic will be attending the session until September 23.

Vucic meets US Under Secretary Nuland in New York (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with United States Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland on the sidelines of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, Tanjug news agency reports.

“The meeting with Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was, as always, extremely open and meaningful. We discussed the most important global and regional geopolitical issues, but also additional possibilities to strengthen the partnership dialogue with the USA, both in terms of the economy and in the context of comprehensive bilateral cooperation”, Vucic wrote in an Instagram post.

The Serbian President said he used the opportunity to thank Victoria Nuland for a serious, rational and open engagement and understanding of the situation in the Western Balkans.

Petar Miletic, former Deputy PM: The information that I was appointed as an adviser to Kurti is only half correct (Danas)

''The information that has been published is only half correct. I was appointed as an external consultant to Albin Kurti, not a foreign-political consultant, funded by the German Government, more specifically the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs for community issues,'' Petar Miletic, former vice-president of the Assembly of Kosovo, said in a written statement to Danas.

This is how he answered Danas' question about his new function, which resonated with the local public, and indicated that he would not go into further clarifications because, as he says, he will only have an advisory but not a decisive role in making decisions.

A facsimile of Kurti's decision on the appointment of Miletic was published in Albanian by the portal

Miletic was the vice-president of the Kosovo Assembly in front of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) in 2012, Danas recalled. 

That year, he condemned the action of the Self-Determination movement at the Merdare and Bela Zemlja border crossings.

KoSSev also published a link to Miletic's statement from 2016, when he said that the Association/Community of Serbian Municipalities never had to be on the agenda, because "Kosovo Serbs have enough protection in the Kosovo constitution and Kosovo by-laws even without the ZSO".

Petar Miletic, as a member of the Presidency of the Movement of Free Citizens (PSG) in 2020, resigned from his post in that movement after the election in Serbia.

Miletic decided to take this step, as he said, because of everything that happened during the election process and in the post-election period.

''I resigned as a member of the PSG Presidency out of responsibility for the bad election result.''

- I advocated going to the elections, I was the head of the election headquarters, and after the defeat I think it's okay to bear the responsibility - said Miletic at the time.

At that time, actor Sergej Trifunovic also submitted his resignation from the post of PSG president, reported Danas daily.

Rasic, Trajkovic on the Miletic's appointment (, Kosovo Online)

Reacting to the appointment of Petar Miletic as external political adviser to the PM Albin Kurti, the president of the Progressive Democratic Party, Nenad Rasic, told the Media Center that "under normal circumstances, this news about the appointment of his long-time friend Petar Miletic would make him happy, but in this case the question arises "?

"Why would someone who has been living with his family in Belgrade for at least 7-8 years come to work for the most hated prime minister, in the opinion of the Kosovo Serbs, in such tense circumstances? Also, due to the fact that the engagement is "pro bono", because the prime minister's external advisers are not entitled to any benefit from the budget such as salary, daily allowances, and the like, I am most concerned for him and wonder what he will live from, and so far from home and family", said Rasic, who also had questions for PM Kurti.

"What role will Miletic play and what topics will he deal with? Is Miletic here to start the Prime Minister's dialogue with the Belgrade Serbs and political parties, or will Miletic lobby in Belgrade for "reciprocity" for the Albanians in the Presevo Valley? I assume it's the latter, because the prime minister has so far not shown an iota of empathy towards the Kosovo Serbs and constantly proves that he wants to belittle us, even by appointing advisers who don't even live in Kosovo," said Rasic. 

"I am sincerely sorry that Miletic accepted to be a part of this kind of deception, which will only simulate the Prime Minister's interest in the Kosovo Serbs, and on the other hand, without any influence on the position of the Serbs in Kosovo," concluded Nenad Rasic.

Trajkovic: We found out who the Serb is whom Kurti cites as an opponent of the ZSO

The President of the European Movement of Kosovo Serbs, Rada Trajkovic, reacted to the information that Petar Miletic was hired as an external consultant to Albin Kurti, stating that now is known who the Serb from Kosovo is that Kurti cited as an opponent of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, reported Kosovo Online.

"We finally found out who that (one) Serb from Kosovo whom Kurti cites as an opponent of the Community of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) is. In whose name, I wonder?" Trajkoivic wrote on Twitter.

Tour guide on incident in Pec (Radio KIM)

“If they had not taken photos of us, we would probably not have reported them. Provocation like any other provocation. We will go again, because we are born here and this time, we also had guests from Belgrade”, Slavica Josifovic, a tour guide in a bus transporting Serbian pilgrims to visit Pec Patriarchate told Radio KIM.

The bus with Belgrade licence plates, carrying the pilgrims, was blocked by two Albanians in Pec with a car, who placed Kosovo flag on the bus and took photos of it, two days ago. Josifovic added the men blocked the bus twice and that following the second attempt they stopped in front of the police station to report the incident. Josifovic also said after that a police patrol escorted them to Pec Patriarchate.

“We caused no problems or incidents to make them react that way. Thank God, everything ended well. Some passengers were distressed, but all is good now, the oldest passenger was 86 and the youngest six years old”, she told Radio KIM.

MFA: Serbia's strong diplomatic activity in UN continues (Tanjug, media)

On the third day of his visit to New York for the 77th UN General Assembly session, Serbian FM Nikola Selakovic met with counterparts from 18 countries and was scheduled to have more meetings and sign several inter-state agreements over the next two days, reported agency Tanjug yesterday, citing the Serbian MFA statement.

At bilateral meetings with the FMs of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Andorra, Singapore, Bahrain, Hungary, Barbados, Lichtenstein, and Egypt, Selakovic laid out concrete proposals for advancement of political and economic ties, strengthening of agreements providing the basis for cooperation and exchanges of delegations.

As in the past days, one of the key topics was Serbia's fight to protect its key state and national interests when it comes to Kosovo-Metohija, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Echoing President Aleksandar Vucic's messages from the UN General Assembly general debate, Selakovic noted Serbia's principled positions, based on the UN Charter and respect of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states - a fundamental principle of international law.

Besides, Selakovic also had many brief conversations with FMs he met at the UN headquarters, and hosted US Congressman Eric Swalwell and World Economic Forum Managing Director Mirek Dusek at Serbia's Permanent Mission to the UN.

At the UN headquarters, Selakovic also had an opportunity to speak at a ministerial meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement, reiterating Serbia's commitment to the movement's values and to building friendships with its member states, the statement recalled. 

Selakovic met UNAOC high representative

FM Selakovic met with United Nations Alliance of Civilisations (UNAOC) High Representative Miguel Angel Moratinos in New York on Thursday.

According to a post on the official Twitter account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, the meeting was held on the sidelines of the UN GA session. The ministry said the meeting had been a "valuable opportunity to exchange views on some of the biggest international challenges of today."

Moratinos served as Spanish FM from 2004 to 2010.

Selakovic met Cabo Verde FM Rui Alberto de Figueiredo Soares to discuss development of bilateral cooperation.

The ministers signed an agreement on cooperation in agriculture.

Ponos on Vucic’s address at UN GA: It is appropriate that he stressed parallel between Serbia and Ukraine (Danas)

Serbian opposition presidential candidate at last elections and former member of People’s Party (NS) Zdravko Ponos commenting on 15-minute speech Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic delivered at UN General Assembly opening debate said it was good that unlike previous times, Vucic this time read a prepared speech, thus demonstrated respect towards UN institution and avoided risky improvisations, Danas daily reports.

“I also think it was appropriate that he stressed in his speech the matter of territorial integrity of UN member states and draw parallel between Serbia and Ukraine in this regard. Messages relating to regional relations are listened to at the UN. There were no dissonant tones there, unlike during his addresses for TV Pink and that was good”, Ponos added.

He also noted that the speech was followed by standing applause of the Serbian delegation in the UN, adding that such a practice was typical for delegations whose home country authorities were authoritarian. 

''Which countries have recognized Kosovo and which have not?'' (Danas) 

Daily Danas reported today that ''since the unilateral declaration of Kosovo's independence in 2008, 98 UN members have recognized this territory as independent, and some countries have changed their decision''. 

''The unofficial list of countries that have recognized Kosovo includes 98 UN members and 3 entities that are not part of this international organization. Immediately in 2008, 51 countries recognized their independence, and in the following years the number increased. Also, Kosovo is recognized by three entities that are not full members of the UN.''

''Kosovo's independence has not been recognized by 97 countries, judging by the list from the Office for Foreign Affairs of the Government of Serbia'' , adding that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that there are eight countries that have withdrawn their recognition, without revealing their names, recalled the daily.

Establishment of government war crimes institute in Kosovo – related risks and timeframe (Radio KIM)

Pristina plans to establish a War Crimes Institute for the crimes committed during the last armed conflict in Kosovo, Radio KIM reports. Meanwhile, Kosovo Humanitarian Law Center warned of the risks of political influence should this institute, as planned, be established under administration of the Kosovo Government.

The Government adopted on September 16, a draft law on establishing a war crimes institute, and the draft has been sent to the assembly for deliberation. The draft law stipulates establishment of an institute that will research and document the crimes committed during the conflict in Kosovo, in the period from January 1998 to June 20, 1999.

The institute would function as an agency at the Kosovo prime minister office, and would be led by an executive director appointed by the prime minister himself.

However, Kosovo Humanitarian Law Center warned that the institute for war crimes must function as a separate and independent agency, and not within the Kosovo Government.

“There is a risk of misuse, political influence. It should not be (the institute) under the auspices of any political institution. An independence of this body should come first”, Bekim Blakaj of Kosovo Humanitarian Law Center said.

He added it may function within the Academy of Science, national library, as is the case in other countries, where such institution also functions within the Faculty of Law, that is also apolitical.

International Criminal Law Professor Ismet Salihu also agreed that the institute should function independently.

“It would be best if the institute is a fully independent institution, such as Historic Institute, Institute of Albanian Studies, War Crimes Institute. Or to eventually be within Pristina University”, he said.

The War Crimes Institute used to exist in the period from 2011 to 2018, but was closed by decision of the Kosovo Government, headed by Ramush Haradinaj at that time. It was closed because it provided no results, as the government claimed, while institute officials said they were lacking resources, funds and support.   

Talking about period in which the crimes will be researched as the law stipulates from January 1, 1998 to June 20, 1999, and that documenting “may be applied” also to the crimes committed in post-war period, latest by December 31, 2000, Blakaj said that they have shortened the period significantly.

“(…) it ends on June 20, 1999. Unfortunately, there were victims after that period as well, and it is not appropriate to exclude those victims, not to document in what way violations of the law occurred, gross violations of the human rights also after June 20”, Blakaj said.

He added, although crimes committed after June 20 can’t be called war crimes because the conflict officially ended on June 10, those victims come from different communities and they were murdered, disappeared or tortured because of the war.





"Kurti is trying to place Serbia alongside Russia, and as a Marxist-Leninist he knows that Kosovo is neither a state nor independent" (Danas) 

Danas daily interlocutors on the interview of the Prime Minister of Kosovo with CNN.

''In a world that is experiencing the peak of polarization today, Kurti is trying to place Serbia alongside Russia and thereby buy himself additional space with Western countries. No matter how hard he and his coalition partner Aleksandar Vucic tried to make Kosovo an independent state, that did not happen, and as a Marxist-Leninist he knows very well that the so-called Kosovo is neither a state nor independent, but a southern Serbian province occupied by America and NATO,'' say interlocutors of Danas daily, commenting the interview of PM of Kosovo, Albin Kurti given to Christine Amanpour on CNN in which he said that Kosovo is more independent than Serbia because Serbia is dependent on Russia.

Natan Albahari, representative of the ''Ujedinjeni-SSP-PSG-Preokret-Sloga'' group, told Danas that in a world that is currently experiencing the peak of polarization, Kurti is trying to align Serbia with Russia with this statement and thus buy himself additional space with Western countries and restore the trust that he lost with irresponsible moves.

- Unfortunately, he is being helped in this by the SNS government, which refuses to accept the continent on which Serbia is located and which has the decisive power to decide on the issue of Kosovo, as well as parts of the nationalist opposition that demand that Serbia join Russia by writing letters to Putin - says Albahari.

While DS MP Srdjan Milivojevic says that no matter how hard Kurti and his coalition partner Aleksandar Vucic tried to make Kosovo an independent state, it did not happen.

- Kosovo and Metohija, as a constitutionally inalienable part of Serbia, depends only on our readiness to provide all people in the territory of the southern Serbian province with a normal life without fear and violence that is promoted and fueled by the thoughtless statements of politicians whose job is to solve problems, not to generate them and be a solution and not a problem - he points out.

Mladjan Djordjevic, the leader of the "Oslobodjenje" movement, told Danas that "Comrade Kurti, as a Marxist-Leninist, knows very well that the so-called Kosovo is neither a state nor independent, but a southern Serbian province occupied by America and NATO".

- The fact is that the American ambassador in Pristina is the one who really manages and makes decisions and that the Albanians in the Balkans are blind henchmen and tools in the hands of America. What is also the fact that the traitor Aleksandar Vucic is also a pawn in the hands of America and that the one who governs Serbia is Ambassador Hill, which was shown last Saturday during the gay parade in Belgrade. The Open Balkans project is also an American pretext for the creation of Greater Albania and that is what unites Vucic, Rama, Kurti, Dritan Abazovic, and other criminal regimes in the Balkans - says Djordjevic. 

According to him, in contrast to all that, ''Russia defends the international order and Resolution 1244, which clearly defines that Kosovo and Metohija are an integral part of Serbia, which is also stated in the Constitution of Serbia''. He added, among other things, that "how independent Kurti is, is shown by the fact that he is in a coalition with Vucic and his criminal organization, the so-called Serbian List, and that he does not mind it", reported Danas. 





Rizvanolli asks citizens in Kosovo* if they are willing to pay for power imports (

Minister of Economy of Kosovo* Artane Rizvanolli urged citizens to save energy and proposed a public debate on how much they are willing to pay for electricity imports amid shortages expected during the winter.

The upcoming winter will be difficult, not only for Kosovo* but also for countries like Germany and Britain, which are preparing for electricity shortages, Minister of Economy Artane Rizvanolli told reporters. “We are looking at all the possibilities for citizens and businesses to save and use alternative means for heating. We all must do our best,” she stressed and noted that last week the government introduced energy-saving measures in the public sector.

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