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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 29, 2023

  • Police: Protesters threw teargas in Zvecan, we responded with spray (Express)
  • Situation in northern Kosovo this morning, increased presence of KFOR (media)
  • Police withdraw from cordon in Zubin Potok, KFOR members remain (Nacionale)
  • Rakic asks KFOR that Zvecan mayor should not enter municipal building (media)
  • Zeqiri: We will meet Hovenier in Pristina at 09:00 (Koha)
  • Dacic: Albanians cannot be mayors in Serb municipalities (RFE)
  • School classes in northern Kosovo suspended until further notice (Tanjug)
  • Serbian List asks Vucic to end dialogue with Pristina (N1, KoSSev)
  • EU and QUINT: Unilateral actions negatively affect our relationships (media)
  • Borrell announces talk with Stoltenberg about situation in the north (media)
  • NATO head urges Kosovo to ease tensions with Serbia (Reuters)
  • Sarrazin: We do not allow chances offered by Ohrid agreement to collapse due to reckless decision (Koha)
  • PM Kurti meets Rapporteur for Kosovo in European Parliament (
  • Von Cramon: Situation in the north is tense, wise solutions must be found (Koha)
  • Kusari-Lila: Von Cramon's statements about Kosovo Police offensive (Koha)
  • Von Cramon to hold press conference in Pristina today (media)
  • Vucic says he fears the conflict in Kosovo (media)
  • US, EU allies scold Kosovo for escalating tensions with Serbia (
  • US rebukes Kosovo for escalating tensions, Serbia puts army on alert (euraactiv)
  • Serbian border police on high alert amid ethnic clashes inside Kosovo (France24)
  • Serbia blasts NATO forces over inaction during Kosovo clashes (Aljazeera)
  • Serbian border troops to maintain highest state of alert after ethnic clashes inside Kosovo (AP)
  • Russia blames US, EU for escalating tensions in Kosovo (Reuters)

Police: Protesters threw teargas in Zvecan, we responded with spray (Express)

Kosovo Police issued a press release this morning concerning developments in the northern municipalities, saying that it will undertake police measures according to the situation and developments in order to provide security for the citizens and ensure freedom of movement.

Police said that protesters gathered in Leposavic, Zubin Poto and Zvecan, and that some protesters in front of the municipal assembly of Zvecan used violence and threw teargas in an attempt to break the police line and enter the building. Police said they responded with spray in order to control the situation.

“Protests in front of the northern municipalities are ongoing. Police is managing the situation and at the same time calls on the citizens to be vigilant during calls for protests, to protest in peace and to not fall for any provocation,” the statement notes.

Situation in northern Kosovo this morning, increased presence of KFOR (media)

Serbian national broadcaster RTS reports this morning that Kosovo police used tear gas against employes in the Serbian local administration in Zvecan who attempted several times to enter the municipal building there, while KFOR previously allowed them to pass through their cordon. KFOR forces with soldiers armed with long barrel weapons and equipment to disperse demonstrations are deployed around and in front of the local administration building in Zvecan. N1 also reported about increased presence of KFOR in Leposavic.

Serbian List representatives Goran Rakic, Igor Simic and Dragisa Milovic arrived in Zvecan to speak with representatives of the Kosovo police in front of the municipal building. Milovic, who is also former Zvecan mayor asked Kosovo police to withdraw, adding that no one will attack them. He also addressed the media and said that “an occupation was in place and that citizens gathered to protest peacefully and democratically”.  He also urged gathered people to exercise utmost restraint and remain peaceful.

N1 said that large number of people gathered in front on Leposavic municipal building and that Zoran Todic, former Leposavic mayors talks to the KFOR there.

Kosovo special police forces are also deployed on all major junctions in northern Kosovo. The situation is tense, schools do not work, and local administration employees are getting ready to go to work but remains unclear if they would be able to enter the buildings.

KoSSev portal reported that US Ambassador in Pristina, Jeffrey Hovenier called four mayors from northern municipalities, elected at the last elections which Serbs boycotted, for a meeting. According to Ilir Peci, Zvecan mayor, the meeting will be held at the European Union premises in Pristina, starting at 9.00 this morning.

Police withdraw from cordon in Zubin Potok, KFOR members remain (Nacionale)

The news website reports that members of the Kosovo Police Special Unit have withdrawn from the cordon in front of the municipal building in Zubin Potok. Only members of KFOR remain there and they are reportedly in large numbers. Hundreds of Serbs are meanwhile protesting in front of them.

The situation is currently calm, and Serbian List leaders have asked KFOR not to allow the new mayor to enter the municipal building.

Rakic asks KFOR that Zvecan mayor should not enter municipal building (media)

The news website reports on an increased presence of KFOR soldiers in front of the municipal buildings in Mitrovica North, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok. According to Radio Free Europe, Rakic said that the demand of Serbs there is that the new mayor of Zvecan, Ilir Peci, must not enter the municipal building. He also asked KFOR to tell Kosovo Police to remove its special units from the area.

Zeqiri: We will meet Hovenier in Pristina at 09:00 (Koha)

U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Hovenier will meet the mayors of the northern municipalities in Pristina this morning. “Yes we will meet at 09:00 in the offices of the European Union in Pristina,” Zubin Potok mayor Izmir Zeqiri told Koha.

Dacic: Albanians cannot be mayors in Serb municipalities (RFE)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said this morning that it is the duty of KFOR to “prevent unilateral actions by Pristina” and “not to prevent workers from entering the municipal buildings”.

“Now they are guarding the mayors with the pretext of preserving pace. It seems that they are guarding them from the owners of the buildings, the Serbs, from those that work there, that are employed there. They [the new mayors] cannot be mayors in Serb municipalities, where Serbs did not elect them,” Dacic said in an interview with Radio Television of Serbia.

Dacic also said that the Serbian armed forces are on standby.

School classes in northern Kosovo suspended until further notice (Tanjug)

Head of the school administration in a meeting with schools’ directors yesterday decided to suspend all school classes in Serbian schools in northern Kosovo, citing security concerns and fear for the safety of children and teachers because of the presence of heavily armed Kosovo special police units in the vicinity of the schools, roads leading to them and in some cases at the very entrances of the schools, Serbian media report. Kindergartens will also remain closed until further notice.

The notification informing the parents of the suspension of schools’ classes said decision will remain in force until further notice, respectively until the moment of withdrawal of Kosovo special police units under full combat readiness from northern Kosovo.

Serbian List asks Vucic to end dialogue with Pristina (N1, KoSSev)

The Serbian List asked the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, to suspend any participation in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the participation of its representatives in any talks with the Kosovo representatives in Pristina, until all Kosovo special forces are withdrawn from the north of Kosovo, and all forces from of occupied buildings of municipal authorities.

After returning from Belgrade, where they participated at “Serbia of Hope” gathering, the leaders of the Serbian List held an emergency press conference, after Friday’s clash between residents and the Kosovo police, KoSSev reported.

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EU and QUINT: Unilateral actions negatively affect our relationships (media)

The QUINT states, through a statement to the media, have said that they condemn Kosovo's decision to forcefully enter municipal buildings in northern Kosovo, despite continued calls for restraint.

“We reiterate our 26 May statement condemning Kosovo’s decision to force access into municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo despite our repeated calls for restraint. In this context, the Quint and EU’s expectation is that the authorities of the Government of Kosovo will undertake no new measures to force access to the municipal buildings in Leposavic, Zubin Potok, and Zvecan.  The elected Mayors should also show restraint and take immediate action to demonstrate their commitment and responsibility to represent and serve all members of their communities.

At the same time, we strongly caution all parties against other threats or actions which could impact on a safe and secure environment, including freedom of movement, and that could inflame tensions or promote conflict.  We are particularly concerned about the safety and welfare of civilians, police officers, EULEX, and KFOR members. New unilateral actions will negatively impact relations with the Quint countries and the EU.

The Quint and EU emphasize that the EU-facilitated Dialogue is the path to the normalization of relations and EU accession. We remind the parties to work jointly on the next steps for the implementation of the Agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia in February and March this year, including on the ASMM, and to take part constructively and sincerely in upcoming Dialogue meetings,” the statement reads.

Borrell announces talk with Stoltenberg about situation in the north (media)

The situation in the north of Kosovo has been the topic of conversation between the Head of the European Union for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, and the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg.

“Spoke to NATO SG Jens Stoltenberg about the situation in north of Kosovo. We agree that Pristina must de-escalate and not take unilateral, destabilising steps. Appreciate the continuous good coordination between EULEX Kosovo and NATO_KFOR in ensuring a safe and secure environment,” Borrell wrote.

NATO head urges Kosovo to ease tensions with Serbia (Reuters)

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg on Sunday called on Kosovo to tone down tensions with Serbia, two days after violent clashes between Kosovan police and protesters opposed to Albanian mayors taking office in ethnic Serbian areas.

Stoltenberg, the transatlantic military alliance's Norwegian secretary-general, said he had spoken to European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell about Kosovo.

He said Pristina and Belgrade must engage in the EU-led dialogue.

"Pristina must de-escalate & not take unilateral, destabilising steps," Stoltenberg said in a tweet.

Serbs, who form the majority of the population in Kosovo's northern region, do not accept Kosovo's 2008 declaration of independence from Serbia and still see Belgrade as their capital more than two decades after the war ended in 1999.

Ethnic Albanians make up more than 90% of the population in Kosovo as a whole.

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Sarrazin: We do not allow chances offered by Ohrid agreement to collapse due to reckless decision (Koha)

After the developments in the north, the emissary of Germany for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, has visited Kosovo on Saturday. He called it reckless to take the decision about the Police action, which enabled the new mayors to access the municipal facilities, and which resulted in a fight between the police and groups of Serbs. In Pristina, Sarrazin was received by the highest officials and also met representatives of Serbs in the north.

The emissary of Germany for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, has visited Kosovo a day after the clash between the Police and groups of Serbs in the north during the action to enable the new mayors to enter the municipal facilities.

After the visit he made to the EULEX base in South Mitrovica, Sarrazin said that this day was serious and disturbing for Kosovo and the region and called reckless the decision of the official of Pristina on this action, as he emphasized that with it they can collapse the recently reached agreements with Serbia.

"My order today is that we will not allow these opportunities, these chances offered by the Ohrid agreement to be discarded because of a reckless decision taken," said Sarrazin.

"I understand that for some people in the Republic of Kosovo, the statements that come or have come in the past weeks from Belgrade regarding the Ohrid agreement were not easy to understand and were also unacceptable. But each politician is responsible for his own actions in the region, and of course if someone's feeling is that things are not going well, then they should not be made worse by reckless actions," said Sarrazin.

Sarrazin also visited the north, where he met representatives of the Serb community. He also met the KFOR and EULEX commanders.

However, he was previously received in Pristina by the most senior officials of Kosovo. After the meetings, there were no statements for the media, and general information was provided through announcements issued by the institutions.

A press release issued by the government notes that Prime Minister Albin Kurti has reiterated to the German emissary his position that it should not be a problem for mayors to go to office.

"The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of respecting the results of the democratic elections, adding that the visit of the mayors to their work offices and the provision of basic services to citizens should be treated as a normal thing," says the Office of the Prime Minister.

And in the announcement of the Presidency, President Vjosa Osmani is quoted as having said that the recent developments in the north are orchestrated by the illegal structures of Belgrade.

"President Osmani has reiterated that the actions of the Kosovo Police against Vucic's illegal structures and criminal groups are legitimate, in fulfillment of their constitutional duties and in the protection of all citizens, without distinction," the Presidency says.

Sarrazin did not contest the reasoning of the representatives of the institutions, but he said that the actions based on the establishment of the rule of law, does not mean that at the political level they are always prudent and wise actions.

PM Kurti meets Rapporteur for Kosovo in European Parliament (

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, accompanied by the MP, at the same time Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee for Environment, Food, Agriculture, Planning and Development, Fitore Pacolli Dalipi, met on Sunday the Rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament, Viola von Cramon, accompanied by the head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog and other collaborators.

In their meeting they talked about the developments in Kosovo, with emphasis on the dialogue process in Brussels and the relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and about the post-election process in the four municipalities in the north.

Prime Minister Kurti recalled that elections in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo were postponed once in December, and that now after their holding on April 23, it is important to start as soon as possible with the provision of basic services to the citizens, which have been missing since the beginning of November last year after the resignation of the previous mayors.

Regarding the dialogue mediated by the European Union and the Basic Agreement and its Implementation Annex, he reiterated that rapid, complete and unconditional implementation is needed.

Kurti added that it is a pleasure to welcome Ms. Cramon at a meeting in these important times and thanked her for the support for membership in the Council of Europe and the European Union.

Von Cramon: Situation in the north is tense, wise solutions must be found (Koha)

The rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament, Viola von Cramon, in a video taken from the Iber Bridge in Mitrovica, said that the situation is tense. She said that she spent a whole day in the north of Kosovo and she has to admit that it is a very difficult situation.

"I have to admit that it is a difficult and tense situation. We have seen a lot of armed vehicles, armed forces, and I don't know if this is a good idea, in this situation, for the elected mayors to forcefully enter the municipal buildings. I have to accept that even if you are elected, this still does not mean that you have the legitimacy to enter the buildings," she said.

She further added that smart and sustainable solutions must be found to enter municipal buildings.

Kusari-Lila: Von Cramon's statements about Kosovo Police offensive (Koha)

The head of the Parliamentary Group of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) Mimoza Kusari-Lila, called the statements of the rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament, Viola von Cramon, who in the north asked the Kosovo police "who the hell sent them there" offensive and inappropriate.

“The EU parliamentarian, Viola von Cramon, today in the north of the country made an offensive and totally inappropriate statement towards the police of the Republic, who with his colleagues was on duty, in defense of the integrity and sovereignty of Kosovo.

Kosovo policemen are where there is a need for them and the only ones who should be intimidated by their presence are violators, abusers or obstacles to law and order.

If the European Union has any other ideas for dealing with violators of law and order, let us know. But, what is known and applied in their countries looks like in the attached photos.

Photo 1️ - 1,500 environmental activists are dragged and arrested after blocking the highway in the Netherlands.

Photo 2️ & 3️- protests and police intervention in France where 1 million - 3.5 million protestors protested daily for weeks on end since the beginning of 2023.

Photo 4️ & 5️ - environmental activist protests in Germany in 2023 and the dragging of protesters and their arrest by German police to clear streets blocked by protesters.

We are aware that our path of integration and development of the country is not done without our partners and friends. But we do that path together based on the values and principles of the sovereign state and territorial integrity as applied in every democratic country.

Unlike the photos below, the Kosovo Police did not use violence these days in the municipalities in the north. They dispersed the protesters and secured entrances to municipal facilities for the elected mayors. They were there to ensure the progress of a legitimate process and in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic.

Any other interpretation of police presence represents a double standard,” Kusari-Lila wrote.

Von Cramon to hold press conference in Pristina today (media)

The Member of European Parliament and Standing Rapporteur on Kosovo Viola Von Cramon – Taubadel will hold a press conference on Monday, 29 May 2023, 11:30 at Europe House in Pristina.

Vucic says he fears the conflict in Kosovo (media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that something will happen in Kosovo that "we have not seen before", while he assessed the current situation as the most difficult so far.

"I am afraid of instability, even of major conflicts, because I know that the Serbs cannot endure anymore, while this [Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti] dreams of being [President of Ukraine, Volodymyr] Zelensky," Vucic told Serbia's Pink TV.

"Tonight I received news from European officials that they are worried about the possible events tomorrow, because the Serbs will definitely protest and demand the return of their occupied buildings," Vucic said.

US, EU allies scold Kosovo for escalating tensions with Serbia (

Europe’s largest economies and the U.S. slammed Kosovo for exacerbating tensions with Serbia after Pristina used force to secure access to municipal buildings in the north of the Balkan country near the Serbian border.

Police used tear gas in the town of Zvecan to disband a crowd of ethnic Serbs on Friday who were trying to block a newly elected Albanian mayor from entering his office building.

The violence triggered an immediate backlash from Serbia, whose President Aleksandr Vučić placed his army on full combat alert and told military units to move closer to the border with Kosovo.

Washington was quick to condemn Pristina for using violence and worsening relations with Serbia. Tensions between the two countries persist since the brutal Balkan war in the late 1990s after Kosovo’s bid to break away from Serbia. Kosovo secured its independence in 2008, but many Serbs in the northern regions of the country still see Belgrade as their home capital, complicating relations between the neighboring countries.

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US rebukes Kosovo for escalating tensions, Serbia puts army on alert (euraactiv)

The United States and allies rebuked Kosovo for escalating tensions with Serbia on Friday (26 May), saying the use of force to install mayors in ethnic Serb areas undermined efforts to improve troubled relations with neighbouring Serbia.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić placed the army on full combat alert and ordered units to move closer to the border following clashes on Friday between Kosovo police and protesters opposed to the ethnic Albanian mayors.

Police fired tear gas in the Serbia-populated Kosovo town of Zvečan to disperse a crowd trying to prevent a newly-elected mayor from entering his office, after a vote in April was boycotted by the Kosovo Serb majority in four northern municipalities near the border with Serbia.

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Serbian border police on high alert amid ethnic clashes inside Kosovo (France24)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stepped down from the helm of his populist party on Saturday amid plans to form a wider political movement and as he faces a wave of anti-government protests.

At his own proposal, Vucic was replaced as the leader of right-wing Serbian Progressive Party by Milos Vucevic, who is currently the defense minister.

“Thank you for these 11 years,” Vucic told a party gathering in the central Serbian town of Kragujevac. “I am proud to have led the best party in Serbia for all these years.”

Vucic first announced the change at a rally Friday in Belgrade in front of tens of thousands of his supporters. He has often faced criticism for remaining party leader while also holding the presidency of the country.

Vucic said he will remain a SNS party member “as long as I live,” and “won’t go anywhere from you.”

Thousands of people are expected at an opposition-led march later on Saturday demanding resignations of top officials and the revoking of licenses for pro-government media that air violent content and host crime figures and war criminals.

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Serbia blasts NATO forces over inaction during Kosovo clashes (Aljazeera)

Serbia has condemned NATO-led peacekeepers stationed in neighbouring Kosovo for allegedly failing to stop “brutal actions” by Kosovo police against ethnic Serbs.

Serbia’s armed forces stationed near the border will remain on the highest state of alert until further notice, the government added.

Serbia’s top political and security leadership, led by President Aleksandar Vucic, met in Belgrade on Saturday following violent clashes a day earlier between Kosovo police and ethnic Serbs that injured more than a dozen people.

In response to the clashes, Vucic on Friday ordered troops closer to the border with Kosovo.

“Due to the brutal use of force by [Kosovo Prime Minister] Albin Kurti and his forces against the Serbian people in Kosovo … the armed forces of the Republic of Serbia will remain at the highest level of combat readiness,” said a statement after the meeting of the top Serbian leadership.

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Serbian border troops to maintain highest state of alert after ethnic clashes inside Kosovo (AP)

Serbia on Saturday condemned NATO-led peacekeepers stationed in neighboring Kosovo for their alleged failure to stop “brutal actions” by Kosovo police against ethnic Serbs, and said that its armed forces stationed near the border will remain on the highest state of alert until further notice.

Serbia’s top political and security leadership, led by President Aleksandar Vucic, met in Belgrade on Saturday following violent clashes a day earlier between Kosovo police and ethnic Serbs that injured more than a dozen people.

In response to the clashes, Vucic on Friday ordered troops closer to the border with Kosovo.

“Due to the brutal use of force by (Kosovo Prime Minister) Albin Kurti and his forces against the Serbian people in Kosovo … the armed forces of the Republic of Serbia will remain at the highest level of combat readiness,” said a statement after the meeting of the top Serbian leadership on Saturday.

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Russia blames US, EU for escalating tensions in Kosovo (Reuters)

Russia on Saturday blamed Kosovo, the United States and European Union for escalating tensions in the Balkans and said it was watching with concern after violent clashes between Kosovan police and protesters opposed to ethnic Albanian mayors.

The United States and allies on Friday rebuked Kosovo, saying the use of force to install mayors in ethnic Serb areas undermined efforts to improve troubled relations with neighbouring Serbia. NATO on Saturday urged Kosovo to dial down tensions.

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