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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 30, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: “Protests not peaceful; mobs of extremists directed from Belgrade” (Koha)
  • Konjufca: Serbs again showed they want north separated from Kosovo (media)
  • KFOR confirms: About 25 Italian and Hungarian soldiers injured (RTK)
  • NATO spokesperson statement on unprovoked attacks against KFOR (media)
  • Osmani: Attacks by criminal gangs must be condemned by everyone (media)
  • Hovenier: Kurti to take steps to improve the situation (Koha)
  • Ziadeh strongly condemns attacks on KFOR and injuries to troops and civilians, urges immediate de-escalation (media)
  • International community on attacks on KFOR and journalists (media)
  • Zvecan Mayor: I’ll go to work today with help of KFOR, I have meetings (Koha)
  • Bislimi: Mayors can only work from municipal buildings (media)
  • Kupchan: Government to withdraw from installing mayors in the north (RFE)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Situation in Zvecan calm this morning, gatherings in north continue (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)
  • Vucic blames Kosovo PM Kurti for unrest (N1)
  • Violent clashes between KFOR and Serb protesters in Zvecan, dozens injured (RTS, KoSSev, Tanjug)
  • Marko Djuric presents chronology of events in Zvecan yesterday (media, social media)
  • Bishop Teodosije served prayer for peace in Zvecan (KoSSev)
  • Raska-Prizren Diocese statement following violent incidents in northern Kosovo (social media)
  • Serbian flag in Gracanica set on fire (Tanjug)
  • Part of Serbian opposition: Vucic should resign because of events in Kosovo (RTS)

International Media:

  • NATO-Led Force Moves To Disperse Crowds As Tensions Rise In Standoffs With Serbs In Northern Kosovo (RFE)
  • Kosovo: Fresh clashes as Nato troops called in to northern towns (BBC)
  • Protesters, Peacekeepers, Injured as Violence Erupts in North Kosovo (BIRN)
  • Lavrov: Situation in Kosovo may provoke new conflict in Europe (euronews)
  • Kosovo ex-president on trial for war crimes allowed to visit his sick mother (AP)
  • Back to the Abuser: Kosovo Women Struggle to Escape Domestic Violence (BIRN)



Albanian Language Media


Kurti: “Protests not peaceful; mobs of extremists directed from Belgrade” (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, together with the first Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue, Besnik Bislimi, met on Monday the ambassadors of the QUINT countries and the Head of the European Union Office in Kosovo.

A press release issued by Kurti’s office notes that the meeting focused on developments in the north of Kosovo, and especially the violent and criminal actions of protesters against Kosovo Police, KFOR and members of the media.

"Even though there are peaceful protesters in these gatherings today, the prime minister assessed that these are not peaceful protests, but crowds of extremists directed by official Belgrade. Serbian nationalist chauvinist and pro-Kremlin graffiti with masked extremists, who target, vandalize and attack anything non-Serbian, is the main indicator of the motives behind the violent actions, which must be strongly condemned by all", the communiqué reads.

In this meeting, Kurti is said to have expressed the importance and need for de-escalation of the situation.

"Informing them about the situation in the north and today's developments there, the Prime Minister emphasized the importance and need for de-escalation of the situation, as well as expressed his willingness to work with the QUINT states towards this goal. They agreed to maintain close communication in the following hours and days," the communique says.

Konjufca: Serbs again showed they want north separated from Kosovo (media)

Kosovo Assembly President Glauk Konjufca condemned the violence used in the northern municipalities on Monday. He wrote in a post on Facebook that he expresses his solidarity for the injured soldiers of KFOR. "I strongly condemn the violence of organized Serbian criminal gangs against KFOR troops, Kosovo Police and journalists in the field! I express my personal and institutional solidarity for the 25 wounded soldiers of the peacekeeping mission and wish for a speedy recovery," he said.

He wrote that the participation of masked people in what was presented as a protest, the display of symbols of the Serbian genocidal wars and the Russian occupation of Ukraine, attacks on journalists and the media, the use of means and heavy violence against law enforcement, show what, according to him, was already known "the intention to keep the northern part of our country separated from any touch of law and order available to the Republic of Kosovo".

"Meanwhile, I use the opportunity to call on the embassies of friendly countries to strongly condemn the violence of criminal structures, which are openly supported by the Serbian president, Aleksander Vucic, and which aim to destabilize our country! Also, I call on the competent bodies of justice to start investigations against those who committed these violent acts against KFOR troops, Kosovo Police and field journalists," he wrote.

Konjufca has said that it is time to respond to violence with a common voice, adding that violence cannot be tolerated.

KFOR confirms: About 25 Italian and Hungarian soldiers injured (RTK)

About 25 KFOR peacekeepers were injured Monday in the violent protests of the Serbs in Zvecan. The news was confirmed to the media by the Information Office of KFOR.

"About 25 injured of the multinational contingent during the detention of protesting demonstrators that happened in the municipality of Zvecan. This afternoon, KFOR units were deployed in 4 municipalities of northern Kosovo to curb the violent demonstrations that occurred after the newly elected mayors of the municipalities tried to take office in the last few days. Opposing the more active ends of the crowd, some soldiers of the Italian and Hungarian contingent of KFOR were the object of unprovoked attacks and received trauma injuries with fractures and burns from the explosion of incendiary devices," the KFOR announcement states.

The injured soldiers are under observation by medical personnel who are assessing their condition.

"The commander of the KFOR mission, Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, is personally following the development of the situation and expresses his condolences to the men and women of the mission injured during the clashes. He emphasized that unprovoked attacks on NATO units are unacceptable and KFOR will continue to fulfill its mandate in an impartial manner," the announcement states.

NATO spokesperson statement on unprovoked attacks against KFOR (media)

NATO strongly condemns the unprovoked attacks against KFOR troops in northern Kosovo, which have led to a number of them being injured. Such attacks are totally unacceptable. Violence must stop immediately. We call on all sides to refrain from actions that further inflame tensions, and to engage in dialogue. KFOR will take all necessary actions to maintain a safe and secure environment, and continue to act impartially, in accordance with its mandate under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999.

See the statement at:

Osmani: Attacks by criminal gangs must be condemned by everyone (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani reacted to the situation in the north on Monday, saying that the acts of illegal Serbian structures should be condemned by everyone. "Serbian illegal structures turned into criminal gangs have attacked the Kosovo police, KFOR officers and journalists. These unacceptable acts of violence must be condemned by all. Those who follow Vucic's orders to destabilize the north of Kosovo must face justice," Osmani wrote on Twitter.

Hovenier: Kurti to take steps to improve the situation (Koha)

The representatives of the Quint countries in Kosovo - the USA, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and France - asked the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, to take steps that would lead to the escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo.

U.S. ambassador, Jeffrey Hovenier, who attended the meeting, said that "there is an agreement that the de-escalation of the situation must happen, but I don't know how it will happen."

"We believe that it is not necessary for the elected mayors [of the municipalities in the north] to work every day in the municipal buildings. For the short term, we recommend that this not be done," said Hovenier.

According to him, the government of Kosovo has been able to find ways for the mayors to swear in alternative buildings and avoid the conflict. Such an approach, Hovenier added, should also be applied to their work.

He refused to say whether Kurti has accepted this recommendation or not.

Ziadeh strongly condemns attacks on KFOR and injuries to troops and civilians, urges immediate de-escalation (media)

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIK Caroline Ziadeh is alarmed by the violence in northern Kosovo, and preceding actions over the past few days that led to it. She strongly condemns the actions that resulted in serious injuries of KFOR personnel, as well as civilians, in Zvečan/Zveçan municipality on Monday. Violence in any form, including against KFOR who are deployed to provide a safe and secure environment in accordance with United Nations Resolution 1244 (1999), is unacceptable.

SRSG Ziadeh expresses solidarity with KFOR and wishes all the injured, including civilians, a speedy recovery. She stresses that the loss of life must be prevented at all costs.

The Head of UNMIK urges de-escalation and calls for responsible leadership and actions to defuse tensions and move toward sustainable political solutions as soon as possible.

UNMIK will continue to coordinate closely with all international presences on the ground.

International community on attacks on KFOR and journalists (media)

EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Affairs, Josep Borrell, condemned the violence against KFOR troops, the police and the media, and asked Kosovo and the protesters in the north to immediately de-escalate the situation there. “The EU condemns today's shocking violence in Zvecan in the strongest possible terms. The violent acts committed against NATO KFOR troops, media, civilians and police are absolutely unacceptable. The EU urges Kosovo authorities and the protesters to immediately and unconditionally de-escalate the situation,” Borrell tweeted.

UK Ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott, has said that the attacks on KFOR soldiers and journalists by protesters in the north of Kosovo on Monday are unacceptable. "Attacks against KFOR personnel and journalists are criminal and unacceptable. As QUINT, we have made it clear that immediate actions must be taken to calm the situation and reduce tensions", he said.

U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Jeffrey Hovenier tweeted “The US strongly condemns the attacks by Serbian protesters against KFOR in the north. The U.S. strongly condemns the violent actions of protesters in Zvecan today, including the use of explosives, against  NATO-KFOR troops seeking to keep the peace.  We reiterate our call for an immediate halt to violence or actions that inflame tensions or promote conflict.”

German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, also reacted after the attack. Any violent action against NATO KFOR and journalists is absolutely unacceptable and must stop now - immediate need to de escalate. Thanks to all KFOR forces on the ground. I wish those injured a speedy recovery.

French Ambassador Olivier Guerot commented on the tense situation in the north of Kosovo. “Nothing justifies the violent attacks against KFOR and the press. These acts must be stopped. Thoughts for the victims, whoever they are. Full support for KFOR. We also call on the government of Kosovo to take immediate de-escalation measures," Guerot wrote on Twitter.

EU Head of Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, condemned the violent actions of Serbian protesters in the north, using explosives against KFOR forces. “The EU in Kosovo strongly condemns the violent actions of protesters in Zvecan today, including the use of explosives, against NATO KFOR troops keeping the peace. We reiterate our call for an immediate halt to it violence and de-escalation of tensions,” Szunyog wrote.

The OSCE mission in Kosovo has condemned the attacks against KFOR soldiers, EULEX teams, as well as journalists in the northern municipalities. "We repeat the call made on Friday by the Chairman of the OSCE, Bujar Osmani, for the easing of tensions in the north of Kosovo," the mission said. "We condemn the recent attacks on EULEX teams and the media and call on all parties to refrain from violence and create space for a return to the dialogue process as a matter of urgency. We also strongly condemn the attacks on KFOR soldiers. Violence against peacekeepers is unacceptable. Calm must be restored immediately”.

Zvecan Mayor: I’ll go to work today with help of KFOR, I have meetings (Koha)

Zvecan Mayor Ilir Peci told Koha this morning that he will go to his office today with the help of KFOR troops and that he has also talked with government representatives. “I will go to my office at 09:00 with the help of KFOR. I have several meetings with the communities. I was home last evening, and I had a long conversation with the Minister for Local Government, Elbert Krasniqi. I have his support and the support of the government. I am also in contact with KFOR and the Kosovo Police,” Peci said.

Bislimi: Mayors can only work from municipal buildings (media)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and chief negotiator in talks with Serbia, Besnik Bislimi, said on Monday that it is important for the new mayors of the northern municipalities to start providing services to the people as soon as possible. He argued that “as mayors they can perform their responsibilities only from municipal buildings” and serve the interests of all citizens without any difference. 

Kupchan: Government to withdraw from installing mayors in the north (RFE)

Charles Kupchan, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, said in an interview with the news website that the Kosovo government should withdraw from efforts to install Albanian mayors in the four Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo. He argued that these actions are not useful and counter-productive in the long run. 

“I think we need to see the government of Serbia and the government of Kosovo meet and try to work out the details of the agreement [on normalization of relations]. Self-management for the Serb community seems to be one of the main obstacles. I think that what is happening in the north now shifts the focus away from this important step of the agreement,” he said.

Kupchan argued that the problem of the north of Kosovo can be solved only through a broad agreement between Pristina and Belgrade.



Serbian Language Media


Situation in Zvecan calm this morning, gatherings in north continue (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)

Kosovo Online portal reports that employees of Zvecan municipality gathered this morning in front of a municipal building to demand return to their working places.

At the moment of report, there were around hundred of them present, while others were joining. Members of Polish KFOR set up a fence at around fifty meters away from the municipal building and a cordon there. Kosovo special police members with a number of armored vehicles are located behind KFOR’s line.

The situation in Zvecan this morning was calm. Suspension of school classes is still in place. Kindergarten also remains closed. Tanjug news agency reported that gatherings in Zubin Potok and Leposavic also started.  

Vucic blames Kosovo PM Kurti for unrest (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday evening that the unrest in the north of Kosovo was caused by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, N1 reports. Speaking during a short news conference without answering questions, Vucic said that Kurti’s sole desire is destabilization. “Kurti wanted a big conflict between the Serbs and NATO so that he could wash his hands of the whole thing”, Vucic said.

He called on Kosovo Serbs not to enter into conflict with NATO because that is what Kurti wants and to “peacefully oppose the Albanian occupiers”.

The Serbian President gave what he said was the true timeline of developments on Tuesday, saying that the Kosovo Serbs started their protest at 7 am with Serbian List party leaders trying to maintain calm through the day. “They suggested the withdrawal of Kosovo police special forces with KFOR troops remaining in place”, Vucic said and added that the KFOR commander of north Kosovo told the Serbian List officials that he has understanding for their requests.

Commenting on N1 report on Vucic’s address, Carl Bildt, former Swedish Prime Minister wrote on Twitter that “there is plenty of blame to go around for the new crisis in northern Kosovo, but the first steps that started the cycle of escalation was taken by the Pristina side. Then it’s been downhill from there. And now it’s really bad”.

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Violent clashes between KFOR and Serb protesters in Zvecan, dozens injured (RTS, KoSSev, Tanjug)

Serbian media reported that violent clashes between KFOR and Serb protesters in Zvecan erupted yesterday afternoon, after KFOR started forcibly dispersing gathered people. As media further reported despite calls by Serbian List, protesters previously refused KFOR requests to allow two, some media reports say, three armored vehicles of the Kosovo special police, surrounded by the protestors to change location and move behind KFOR’s line. The protestors demanded that Kosovo special police leave the municipality instead.

During the clashes that left dozens injured on both sides tear gas and stun grenades were used, stones and bottles pelted. Shooting from firearms was also heard as well as detonations.

Director of the Clinical Hospital Center in Mitrovica North, Zlatan Elek confirmed that 52 civilians sought medical assistance, including Dragisa Milovic, former Zvecan mayor and Serbian List representative who had been appealing for calm and restraint all the time during yesterday’s protest. One patient was in critical condition with sustained gunshot wounds. Milovic told RTS that he was sitting on the ground with his back facing the cordon, before they started kicking him and protesters with boots and shields. Tanjug correspondent was also slightly injured during the clashes. 

KoSSev portal reported that around 25 members of KFOR sustained injuries during the clashes with protesters.

Marko Djuric presents chronology of events in Zvecan yesterday (media, social media)

Serbian Ambassador to Washington, Marko Djuric in a series of posts on Twitter yesterday, presented, as he said, chronology of events that occurred in Zvecan and northern Kosovo yesterday.

“- 5:30 am: A so called "mayor" of Leposavic, imposed by Kurti and lacking any legitimacy due to being "elected" in a failed election (with a turnout of only 3.39% in the Serb-majority region of North Kosovo*) accompanied by a heavily armed escort by Kurti special police entered the municipality building in Leposavic.

- KFOR installed barbed wire and set up perimeters around all municipal buildings in Northern Kosovo.

Read more at:

Bishop Teodosije served prayer for peace in Zvecan (KoSSev)

Serbian Orthodox Church Raska-Prizren Eparchy Bishop Teodosije served last night in the Church of Saint George in Zvecan, located only dozens of meters away from the municipal building, a prayer service for peace, KoSSev portal reports.

Zvecan is a spot where violent clashes between KFOR and the Serb protesters broke out yesterday, leaving dozens of injured on both sides.

In his address Bishop Teodosije expressed profound sorrow over injuries sustained during the protest, including of 11 Italian soldiers, of whom three were seriously injured. He also spoke of injuries that the Serbian population protesting in Zvecan sustained, adding that one Serb man is in critical condition.

He prayed for swift recovery of all of them and for peace and order to be restored again. He stressed that all problems must be resolved peacefully.

Raska-Prizren Diocese statement following violent incidents in northern Kosovo (social media)

“The Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo expresses profound sorrow in light of the recent violent incidents involving Serb protesters and KFOR personnel in Zvečan, North Kosovo today”, reads the statement posted on the SOC’s website.

“We stand firm in our belief that violence is never the solution, and our prayers are with all those injured, both soldiers of various nationalities - including Italians and Hungarians - and injured Serbs. We categorically condemn any provocations made against journalists from media outlets both Albanian or Serbian”, the statement adds. 

Read the full statement at:

Serbian flag in Gracanica set on fire (Tanjug)

Tanjug news agency reports that the Serbian flag, erected at Milos Obilic monument, at roundabout in Gracanica, was set on fire this morning, by unknown perpetrators. Residents of this majority-Serb populated area in central Kosovo reported that the flag was set on fire this morning.

Part of Serbian opposition: Vucic should resign because of events in Kosovo (RTS)

MPs from Serbian opposition parties New DSS, Dveri, Zavetnici and POKS demanded the resignation of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, due to the latest events in Kosovo and what they said was the collapse of Serbian policy on Kosovo. Presidents of these parties, Milos Jovanovic, Bosko Obradovic, Vojislav Miḫailovic and Dragan Nikolic, at a press conference in the Serbian Parliament, also requested the formation of a technical government that would organize, as they said, fair and democratic elections at all levels. It was also requested that all negotiations in Brussels with Pristina be terminated immediately, the negotiations with Pristina be returned under the auspices of the UN, that the Government of Serbia urgently request a session on Kosovo at the UN about the severe crisis. They asked the President of the Assembly of Serbia to call for local elections in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and this way Serbia to start restoring its sovereignty.



International Media


NATO-Led Force Moves To Disperse Crowds As Tensions Rise In Standoffs With Serbs In Northern Kosovo (RFE)

NATO-led KFOR troops on May 29 moved to disperse Serbian demonstrators who had ignored warnings to move away from the municipal headquarters in Zvecan as tensions surged in the standoff between local ethnic Serbs and ethnic Albanian authorities.

"You are causing unrest. You are putting yourself and your community at risk. Leave the area and go home -- otherwise KFOR will be forced to intervene," an audio warning from the KFOR contingent blared out to protesters before plumes of smoke engulfed the area.

RFE/RL journalists on the scene reported that many in the crowd sat down as KFOR troops moved to push them away. Tear gas was spotted and shock bombs exploded, although video showed that at least some of them came from the demonstrators.

Protesters were also seen throwing stones and bottles at KFOR troops, with some members of the force appearing to suffer injuries in the ongoing unrest.

Read more at:

Kosovo: Fresh clashes as Nato troops called in to northern towns (BBC)

Nato has condemned as "totally unacceptable" attacks by demonstrators in Kosovo that left some 25 of its peacekeepers injured.

Police and Nato troops clashed with Serb protesters in the north where there has been unrest over the installation of ethnic Albanian mayors.

Tear gas and stun grenades were used to deter protesters in Zvecan, after they tried to invade a government building.

Nato soldiers also formed a security cordon around two other town halls.

The crisis dates back to April when Kosovo Serbs boycotted local elections, allowing ethnic Albanians to take control of local councils with a turnout of less than four per cent.

Both the EU and US have criticised the Kosovan authorities for destabilising the situation in north Kosovo, and warned against any actions that could inflame ethnic tensions there.

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in February 2008, after years of strained relations between its Serb and mainly Albanian inhabitants.

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Protesters, Peacekeepers, Injured as Violence Erupts in North Kosovo (BIRN)

Dozens of protesters and NATO peacekeepers were injured on Monday in northern Kosovo as local Serbs protested against the installment of a Kosovo Albanian mayor.

At least 50 protesters and more than a dozen NATO peacekeepers from KFOR were injured on Monday in Kosovo’s northern town of Zvecan/Zvecane in clashes which erupted in the afternoon.

Kosovo Police confirmed that five protesters have been arrested for the attacks against KFOR peacekeepers while many military, police and media outlet’s vehicles have been damaged during a tense day which started in the early morning hours, as local Serbs gathered in front of municipal building to protest against the newly elected mayor of Zvecan.

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani confirmed that members of the Italian military contingent were among those injured.

“I want to express my solidarity with the soldiers of the KFOR mission who were injured in Kosovo during the clashes between Serbian demonstrators and the Kosovar Police. Among them 11 Italians, three of whom are in a serious condition, but not life threatening. The Italian military continue to commit themselves to peace,” Tajani tweeted.

KFOR said that around 25 from the multinational contingent were wounded during the containment of the demonstrators.

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Lavrov: Situation in Kosovo may provoke new conflict in Europe (euronews)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Monday that the situation in Kosovo is alarming and that it could provoke another conflict in the center of Europe.

“A huge explosion is being prepared in the center of Europe – in the place where, in 1999, NATO attacked Yugoslavia, violating every imaginable principle of the Helsinki Final Act and OSCE documents,” said Lavrov during a visit to Kenya, reports the Russian state agency, RIA Novosti.

He added that the situation requires a “geopolitical solution” that would guarantee the security of European countries.

According to him, “no bloc, including NATO, has the right to claim dominance in that part of the planet”

Read more at:

Kosovo ex-president on trial for war crimes allowed to visit his sick mother (AP)

Former Kosovo president Hashim Thaci, who is on trial in The Hague on 10 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, was in Kosovo on Monday to visit his sick mother, the court said.

An email message from the Kosovo Specialist Chambers said that “due to compelling humanitarian grounds, … the Trial Panel has instructed the Registry to manage a custodial visit to Kosovo for Hashim Thaci to meet family.”

Thaci remained in detention and in the custody of the Specialist Chambers, with support from the EU’s rule-of-law mission EULEX and Kosovo Police, it added.

Local media reported that Thaci, 55, who has been in custody at The Hague, The Netherlands, since November 2020, was in Buroje village, 70 kilometers (45 miles) west of the capital Pristina, at his mother’s house.

Thaci is on trial alongside three other former senior leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army, or KLA, guerrilla force in Kosovo’s 1998-99 war for independence from Serbia.

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Back to the Abuser: Kosovo Women Struggle to Escape Domestic Violence (BIRN)

A lack of financial independence or support from family and society means many women in Kosovo who try to flee domestic violence end up returning to their abusive husbands.

The television was on and results were trickling in from elections in Turkey and Albania, but Florina [not her real name] was not really watching, having just endured another beating at the hands of her husband.

Florina, who responded in writing, anonymously, to BIRN questions, has been the victim of domestic abuse for several years now.

However, she is reluctant to go to the police or seek the help of women’s rights organisations, afraid of what might happen to her and her young son if she did.

“I don’t have my own income; I’m unemployed,” Florina told BIRN in May. “I’m afraid and I’m sacrificing myself for him.”

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