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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 7, 2022

  • Kurti: Dialogue, institutions have no alternative (media)
  • KFOR: Monitoring situation, differences to be addressed via dialogue (media)
  • Hill: Serbs to return to institutions, Kosovo to respect its obligations (media)
  • U.S.: Form Association and postpone licence plates measures (Koha)
  • President’s statement on withdrawal of Serbs from institutions (media)
  • Borrell speaks to Kurti and Vucic, “refrain from unilateral actions” (media)
  • Kurti: No alternative to dialogue and institutions (media)
  • President’s chief of staff comments on developments in north (media)
  • Kurti: Belgrade incited, intimidated Serbs into abandoning institutions (media)
  • Interior Minister Svecla visited Brnjak and police station in Jasenovik (RTK)
  • Mehaj: Threat to Serb community are groups directed by Belgrade (Koha)
  • Serbs stage mass resignation from Kosovo state institutions (BIRN)
  • Serbs rally in North Mitrovica a day after Serbs quit Kosovo government (RFE)
  • Police officers in north already replaced by others from Kosovo cities (AP)
  • New resignations of Serb policemen (RTK)
  • Property of Serb police officer in Leposavic set on fire (RFE)
  • Tajani talks to Kurti and Vucic, calls for restraint (RTK)
  • Lajcak agrees with NATO Deputy Secretary Geoana (RTK)
  • Serb members of EULEX's security resign (Kossev, Koha)
  • Ethnic tensions flare again in northern Kosovo (
  • Kosovo Serbs gather in latest protest after quitting institutions (
  • Vucic hopes KFOR, EULEX to carry out police work in north (RFE, media)
  • Begaj phone conversation with Osmani, discuss developments in north (RTK)
  • Albanian Foreign Minister: Time when dialogue needed more than ever (media)
  • Dodik: Ready to help Serb people in Kosovo (Sarajevo Times)
  • War crime case against Kosovo’s Thaci moves closer to trial (BIRN)

Kurti: Dialogue, institutions have no alternative (media)

The Kosovo government held a meeting on Sunday to discuss the current situation and the latest developments. “Emphasizing the importance of the smooth running of the work of the institutions and the services they provide, it was confirmed during the discussion that the subordinate institutions of each ministry have continuously continued to fulfill their duties within the framework of their responsibilities,” a government states notes.

Prime Minister Kurti stated that the legality and constitutionality of the Republic cannot be compromised, while dialogue and institutions have no alternative. He repeated the call not to boycott or abandon the institutions of Kosovo, which serve everyone without distinction.

"The Government of the Republic of Kosovo remains committed to the rule of law, respect for the rights and freedoms of people and minorities, equality, service to citizens, peace and security," the government press release quotes Kurti as saying.

KFOR: Monitoring situation, differences to be addressed via dialogue (media)

The NATO peacekeeping force in Kosovo, KFOR, said on Sunday that it is monitoring the situation and has called on everyone to address and discuss differences through constructive dialogue.

"We are monitoring the situation and working closely with leaders in Belgrade and Pristina, as well as with our international partners, to maintain a safe and secure environment for all people in Kosovo. We call on everyone to address and discuss differences through constructive dialogue," says the announcement of KFOR published on Twitter.

Hill: Serbs to return to institutions, Kosovo to respect its obligations (media)

United States Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, said in an interview with N1 on Sunday that the U.S. share the position of the European Union that the recent developments in relations between Kosovo and Serbia jeopardise the progress achieved in the EU-facilitated dialogue.

“The withdrawal of Serbs from Kosovo institutions is not the solution to the current issues and has the potential of escalation of tensions on the ground. The United States therefore join the EU in its calls to Serbia and representatives of the Kosovo Serbs to respect their obligations in the dialogue and to return to their duties in Kosovo institutions, including police, judiciary, and the local administration,” he said.

Hill said the U.S. also join the EU in its call to the Kosovo authorities to respect without delay their obligations, which means immediately postponing the reregistration of vehicles and stop every fine against owners of licence plates issued by Serbian authorities until the issue of the licence plates is not resolved through dialogue. “This also means immediately starting negotiations on the formation of the Association of Serb municipalities, which is a legal obligation for Kosovo. Kosovo’s continued failure to meet this obligation hurts the image and credibility of Kosovo,” Hill said.

U.S.: Form Association and postpone licence plates measures (Koha)

In a response to the news website, the U.S. Embassy in Kosovo has called on Sunday on Kosovo and Serbia to reduce tensions and continue the dialogue, asking them to respect their obligations. It also said that Kosovo should extend the process of re-registration of vehicles and the suspension of any punitive action against Serb citizens who possess "KM" license plates. It further noted that the license plate issue should be resolved between the parties within the dialogue.

"The Assembly of Kosovo has ratified the Brussels Agreement and the Constitutional Court of Kosovo has decided that the Association should be established, which makes its establishment a legal obligation for Kosovo. Kosovo's continued failure to implement this obligation violates the rule of law and damages its reputation and credibility," the U.S. statement said.

It stressed further that they agree with the declarations of the European Union that the relations between Kosovo and Serbia are worrying, in which case, according to the USA, these relations endanger "the important process achieved in the dialogue".

"The withdrawal of Kosovo Serbs from Kosovo's institutions is not a solution to the current disputes and has the potential to further escalate tensions on the ground. All involved must take steps to reduce tensions and ensure peace and stability on the ground. Actions and rhetoric that increase the possibility of violence put innocent lives and those of international peacekeeping forces on the ground at unnecessary risk," it said.

"The path of dialogue is the only way to guarantee stability."

"Actions, such as burning cars or intimidating rhetoric, are unacceptable and will prompt a response from the international community. We call on them to choose the path of dialogue and refrain from actions that would lead to violence and confrontation. The United States fully supports the EU's efforts to continue to facilitate negotiations. Both Kosovo and Serbia must show that they are ready to seek solutions in a constructive way and respect their obligations made in the dialogue facilitated by the EU".

President’s statement on withdrawal of Serbs from institutions (media)

President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, issued the following statement after the withdrawal of Kosovo Serb representatives from institutions.

“The withdrawal of Ministers, MPs and members of the Serbian community from the Government of Kosovo, the Assembly of Kosovo and the Kosovo Police is an act against democracy and the rule of law. This action has been made under the pressure of the authorities in Belgrade. Such an approach is causing serious problems for Serbian citizens in the north, who feel threatened by the actions of illegal structures, which aim for destabilization.”

“I ensure all the citizens of Kosovo that the institutions will undertake the necessary steps to ensure the welfare and public safety in every corner of its territory in close cooperation with our international partners.”

“The implementation of law and order does not pose a threat to any citizen of Kosovo, regardless of ethnicity. However, the establishment of law and order poses a risk for the illegal structures directed by Belgrade, which aim to destabilize Kosovo and the region.”

“Today’s action of Serbia represents its unilateral withdrawal from the Brussels agreements for putting an end to its illegal structures in Kosovo. This action, instigated by Serbia, proves once again what we have said many times, that Serbia is a source of destabilization of Kosovo and the region due to its territorial and hegemonic goals. However, Serbia will not be able to change the multi-ethnic character of the institutions and undermine peace and security in the Republic of Kosovo.”

Read full statement at:

Borrell speaks to Kurti and Vucic, “refrain from unilateral actions” (media)

High Representative of the European Union, Josep Borrell, said on Saturday that he spoke both to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. “Recent developments put years of hard work under Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue at risk. Called on both sides to refrain from any unilateral actions which might lead to further tensions,” Borrell said.

Read his full statement at:

Kurti: No alternative to dialogue and institutions (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, said in a Twitter post on Sunday that he had “a good call with High Representative Josep Borrell. There is no alternative to dialogue & institutions. Informed him that, of 843 reprimands issued so far by police to drivers of cars with illegal plates, 0 incidents or complaints.”

President’s chief of staff comments on developments in north (media)

Blerim Vela, Chief of Staff to Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, said on Sunday that local Kosovo Serbs did not join “en masse the staged protest organized by Serbia in north Mitrovica”. “It is clear that people there, like elsewhere in #Kosovo, want peace & prosperity for their families, and not violence. They don’t want to be cannon fodder for Vučić’s regime”. He said that “Serbia’s escalation in the north exposes the flawed model where K-Serbs police officers, judges and prosecutors aren’t bound by oath of professionalism and service to local communities, but they are used as political instrument to destabilize and counter integration in Kosovo”. Vela also said that “Serbia’s illegal structures in Kosovo never were/will be legal and legitimate representatives of Kosovo Serbs. Only elections according to Kosovo constitution and laws produces legal and legitimate representation. Mayors of 4 municipalities who resigned betrayed the citizens in those municipalities.”

Kurti: Belgrade incited, intimidated Serbs into abandoning institutions (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, said in a Twitter post on Saturday that “not one incident has been registered since the implementation of our scaled decision on car plates began. In spite of this, Belgrade has incited & intimidated Kosova Serbs into abandoning our institutions. My fellow citizens, I urge you not to boycott or leave your institutions”.

Read Kurti’s full statement at:

Interior Minister Svecla visited Brnjak and police station in Jasenovik (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister of Internal Affairs Xhelal Svecla visited on Sunday the border point in Bernjak, the police station of the border  pointin Bernjak and the police station of the border police in Jasenovik.

"All members of the Kosovo Police are fulfilling their official duties with dedication, providing a peaceful environment and services for all citizens, both at the border points and within the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo. The Kosovo Police belongs to all the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo. As such, it will continue to carry out its mission with full readiness in the service of all our citizens without any distinction," Svecla wrote on Facebook.

Mehaj: Threat to Serb community are groups directed by Belgrade (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Defense Armend Mehaj stated that Kosovo's institutions are at the service of all the citizens of the country, adding that the only threat to the Serb community "are individuals and Serbian criminal groups directed from Belgrade".

"These actions are the only obstacle to reach an agreement that would allow both countries to move forward to integrate into the European Union. The Ministry of Defense, like other law enforcement agencies, remains committed to guaranteeing the country's sovereignty and protecting the lives of all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, regardless of ethnicity. The only threat to the Serbian community is individuals and Serbian criminal groups directed by Belgrade, whose activities must be stopped as soon as possible, and for this, we are in constant coordination with the Kosovo Police, as well as with the KFOR mission. Therefore, we appeal to all the citizens of the country, specifically our citizens of the Serb community, to be vigilant, not to be manipulated and not to fall prey to misinformation that is part of the scenarios continuously orchestrated by Serbia and its well-known and practiced mechanisms even in the past," Mehaj wrote.

Serbs stage mass resignation from Kosovo state institutions (BIRN)

Serbs resigned from their positions in state institutions in four Serb-majority northern municipalities of Kosovo on Saturday, claiming that EU-mediated agreements between Serbia and Kosovo in Brussels are being breached.

The resignations came after a meeting in the town of Zvecan organised by Belgrade-backed Serb party Srpska Lista.

Srpska Lista said mayors of Serb-majority municipalities, councillors, MPs, judges, prosecutors, judicial staff and Kosovo Police officers have all quit their jobs.

During Saturday’s meeting in Zvecan, police officials symbolically took off their Kosovo police uniforms, to applause from the participants.

“It is precisely because of our determination to respect international public law and defend the Brussels Agreement that we have decided to leave all political institutions, the [Kosovo] Assembly, the government and four municipalities in the north of Kosovo,” the head of Srpska Lista, Goran Rakic, told media.

He added the decision remains in force until Kosovo “begins to respect the agreements that have been agreed”.

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Serbs rally in North Mitrovica a day after Serbs quit Kosovo government (RFE)

Ethnic Serbs took to the streets of North Mitrovica in Kosovo on November 6, a day after ethnic Serbs there said they would quit their posts in state institutions to protest against the use of license plates issued by Pristina.

Following a meeting of Serb political representatives in the north of Kosovo on November 5, the minister of communities and returns, Goran Rakic, said he was resigning from his post in the Pristina government.

He told reporters that fellow representatives of the Serb minority in the north had also quit their jobs in municipal administrations, the courts, police, and the parliament and government in Pristina.

Rakic said they would not consider returning unless Pristina abolishes the order for them to switch their old car license plates, which date to the 1990s when Kosovo was a part of Serbia, to Kosovo state plates.

Addressing the rally on November 6, Rakic accused Kosovo government authorities of not respecting international law and agreements negotiated in Brussels.

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Police officers in north already replaced by others from Kosovo cities (AP)

About 400 positions left empty after the departure of the Serbs from the Kosovo Police, have already been filled by police officers from other municipalities.

Albanian Post learned from sources within the police that in all the northern municipalities where the vacuum was created, policemen were sent from other cities and they also have policemen from the Special Units as reinforcement.

These polices will take place on a rotating basis, until a further decision that resolves the issue permanently. Also, special units will continue to remain, until further notice.

The news website reports that license plate reprimands continue to be issued, but with a lower intensity than in the first days, in order not to aggravate the situation.

New resignations of Serb policemen (RTK)

The Kosovo Police has announced that resignations of police officers of the Serb community in the northern part of Kosovo, in the regional directorate of Mitrovica North, continued on Sunday.

"Their notices of resignation have been made in the regions and police stations, where some of them have so far handed over their equipment, to continue with the completion of other planned procedures.

“The Kosovo Police has the capacity to manage the situation and circumstances created, all actions will be undertaken in accordance with legal and constitutional authorizations, in accordance with operational assessments and planning, with the aim of maintaining public order and peace as well as border surveillance and control,” the Kosovo Police informed.

In a separate article the news website informs based on unofficial information that some border police officials in the north have also resigned, but this remains to be officially confirmed by the Police.

Property of Serb police officer in Leposavic set on fire (RFE)

Kosovo Police said that on Sunday early morning the property of Serb police officer in Leposavic was set on fire. The incident is being investigated along with other cases of burning against private properties in the last couple of weeks. The news website notes that the news comes one day after the Serbian List decides to withdraw from Kosovo’s institutions.

Tajani talks to Kurti and Vucic, calls for restraint (RTK)

The Foreign Minister of Italy Antonio Tajani had a telephone conversation with Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. He called for restraint and against any unilateral action.

"I spoke with Aleksandar Vucic and Albin Kurti, and I assured them of our commitment to stability in the Balkans. In coordination with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, we call on their leadership for restraint and against any unilateral action. Italy is a protagonist for peace," Tajani wrote in a post on Twitter.

Lajcak agrees with NATO Deputy Secretary Geoana (RTK)

The Deputy Secretary General of NATO Mircea Geoana said in his statement that they are ready to intervene if stability in Kosovo is endangered. “Spoke to EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak about the tense situation in northern Kosovo. Both Belgrade and Pristina must show restraint and prevent escalation. NATO, KFOR remains vigilant and ready to intervene should stability be jeopardized,”

Lajcak responded to the tweet saying ‘totally agree with Mircea Geoana. Thank you for the excellent coordination of Europe and NATO, - both with leadership at the highest level and KFOR on the ground."

Serb members of EULEX's security resign (Kossev, Koha)

Kossev news website reported on Sunday that several Serbs who worked as external security in EULEX, in the northern part of Mitrovica, resigned from their duties.

The report said that the 13 Serbs were working for the company "Balkan International Security," which operates throughout Kosovo and is owned by an American.

"We wanted to see what the police would do, as we see them every day. When we saw that they gave up, we had nothing to ask for. We would not feel comfortable if we were the only Serbs at the northern police station tonight, tomorrow and in the future," said Ignjat Vuletic, adding that he has resigned from the insurance company.

Ethnic tensions flare again in northern Kosovo (

Protest Sunday follows the first collective resignation of Kosovo Serbs from the country’s institutions since 2013.

Cloaked in medieval costumes, a choir sang the national anthem of Serbia at a protest organized in the administrative center of the Serb-majority north of Kosovo as tensions intensify between ethnic Serbs and the Albanian majority in the country.

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered Sunday on the main thoroughfare in North Mitrovica around a podium erected for the purpose. Serbian nationalist songs were played and speeches were proclaimed.

The costumes worn by the choir harken back to the Serbian medieval kingdom, a time in history when Serbia had greater control of Kosovo and is often a source of symbolism for those who want to show their loyalty to Belgrade.

Read more at:

Kosovo Serbs gather in latest protest after quitting institutions (

Hundreds of ethnic Serbs rallied in Kosovo on Sunday as a dispute over vehicle license plates heightened ongoing tensions between Belgrade and Pristina.

The government's decision to gradually ban Serbia-issued license plates has angered Kosovo Serbs, most of whom live in the north of the country and do not recognise Kosovo's 2008 declaration of independence.

The Kosovo PM Albin Kurti's demand that the police begin to issue warnings to those who continued to use Belgrade-issued licence plates led members of the ethnic Serb minority to leave their government jobs on Saturday in a protest over the directive.

During Sunday's protest in the northern Kosovo Serb-majority municipality of North Mitrovica, Serb political leaders said the police officers, judges and other public employees would not return to their jobs unless Kosovo's government reversed its license plate policy.

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Vucic hopes KFOR, EULEX to carry out police work in north (RFE, media)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday he hopes that the United States will decide that the NATO mission in Kosovo, KFOR, and the European Union mission for the rule of law, EULEX, will carry out police work in the north of Kosovo, after the decision of the Serbs to leave all the institutions.

"I think something like this will contribute to peace. If the Americans think that the Albanians can do this work, and something like this is not in accordance with the Brussels agreement and the will of the people, I am afraid that this situation could lead to a disaster," Vucic reportedly said.

He noted on Sunday that it is important for Serbia to behave "seriously and responsibly".

"We are talking about major political tectonic changes. After 10 years, the Serbs have decided to leave the institutions of Pristina," said Vucic for Pink Television.

Vucic also said that the assumptions that the Serbs are acting on Belgrade's orders "are meaningless".

Begaj phone conversation with Osmani, discuss developments in north (RTK)

President of Albania Bajram Begaj held on Sunday a telephone conversation with President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani, about the tense situation in the north.

In a post on Facebook, Begaj wrote that he and President Osmani also talked about the resignations of the representatives of the Serbian List in Kosovo from state institutions and the blocking of their operation.

"I expressed my concern to President Osmani and at the same time encouraged the continuation of the dialogue between the parties, bearing in mind the preservation of peace and stability, as well as the territorial integrity of Kosovo guaranteed by NATO," Begaj wrote.

He emphasized that the interest of the Euro-Atlantic integration of Kosovo and the entire Western Balkan region remains major.

Albanian Foreign Minister: Time when dialogue needed more than ever (media)

Albania’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Europe Olta Xhacka has reacted regarding the tense situation in the north of Kosovo. “Concerned by developments in North of Kosova. Quitting Kosova's institutions is an act of escalation at a time when cooperation and constructive dialogue is needed. This is not the moment for quitting and boycotting. This is a moment when dialogue is needed more than ever,” Xhacka wrote.

Dodik: Ready to help Serb people in Kosovo (Sarajevo Times)

The outgoing member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Milorad Dodik, said yesterday that he supports the Serbian people in Kosovo in everything and that BiH entity Republika Srpska (RS) is ready to do everything to help them even beyond its capacity.

“The unity of church and state must exist in the protection of our people in Kosovo and Metohija and our people will never be left alone there,” said Dodik after the meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian Patriarch Porfri and members of the Holy Synod.

“No new Oluja (Storm) operations and pogroms will happen. The state of Serbia guarantees the status of freedom for all Serbs wherever they are,” said Dodik.

He pointed out that he is worried about the escalation caused by the irresponsible behavior of the Pristina authorities, who ignore the previously reached international agreements related to the formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities.

Read more at:

War crime case against Kosovo’s Thaci moves closer to trial (BIRN)

The pre-trial judge in the war crimes case against former Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and three other former Kosovo Liberation Army guerrillas turned politicians said on Friday that he aims to close the pre-trial phase and send the case to the trial judges by the end of December.

“I confirm that I aim to pass the case to the judges’ panel before the end of the year,” pre-trial judge Nicolas Guillou told a status conference at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague.

Read more at: