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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 8, 2022

  • Kurti: We have continuous communication with US and EU (RTK)
  • Kurti: Kosovo did not reject French-German plan, gave its remarks (media)
  • Kurti: Serbia rejects French-German plan with tensions in north (media)
  • Kurti meeting with opposition leaders this morning (media)
  • Kosovo leaders meet to discuss developments in north (Koha)
  • Osmani meets COMKFOR: Dedicated to public security (media)
  • Stoltenberg: Kosovo and Serbia to refrain from unilateral actions (media)
  • Hovenier visits Osmani, discuss latest developments in north (media)
  • Minister Svecla informs President Osmani about developments in north (media)
  • Berlin: We’ll continue to work on an agreement together with France (Express)
  • Germany highly concerned over tensions between Kosovo and Serbia (media)
  • Haradinaj: Here are some facts; Kurti is included in Serbia’s scenario (media)
  • EULEX has not taken over police duties in north Kosovo (media)
  • Rama reacts to situation in north, calls for restraint and dialogue (media)
  • North Macedonia FM: Mutual recognition, only way for normalisation (RTK)

Kurti: We have continuous communication with US and EU (RTK)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti told a press conference on Monday that none of his recent decisions came as a surprise to any U.S. or European official. “We are in constant contact and communication with them. The United States are our friend and partner,” he said. “We have postponed the decision [conversion of licence plates] once for 1 month and we have learned that this is the last postponement. Considering the international concern for peace and security, we have made a differentiation in approach and sequenced the implementation of the decision on licence plates.”

Kurti said that not a week goes by that he does not meet with the U.S. and European ambassador, and sometimes even twice a week. "Now we came to this conference after the meeting with the KFOR commander," Kurti said. "Communication is continuous. We are not talking about people who communicate with the methods of the first two centuries where someone with a carriage and horses has to deliver a letter. We are in real time and in touch and there are no surprises here. Therefore, we are determined not to compromise legality and constitutionality".

He also said that their concerns about peace and security, are always taken very seriously. "Always alert, often worried, never afraid," Kurti told reporters.

When asked if the situation could lead to elections, he said that both the local and central elections, as well as the elections in Vetevendosje, have ended.

"I am sorry that now we will have to hold elections in the municipalities where the heads of the Serbian community are resigning, unfortunately these resignations, as they are given, clearly lead to elections in those municipalities. But the constitutional legal deadlines must be followed. It is the special bodies that will deal with this,” he said.

Kurti did not want to talk much about the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities when asked about the topic, saying that he has commented on the issue since 2013. "You know very well that I have been answering your questions about the Association for 9 years now, since 2013. There is nothing new in my answers to old questions," he said.

Kurti: Kosovo did not reject French-German plan, gave its remarks (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti talked on Monday about the Franco-German proposal, which he said was brought to his office in September by the advisors to the presidents of France and Germany. He said that he has not rejected this French-German proposal, which has the support of Brussels and Washington.

"I said very clearly that Belgrade's goal is not to not accept the plan, but to mask the rejection of the plan," Kurti said. "They have rejected this proposal. Now they make these dramas that should not turn into tragedies to mask the rejection."

Kurti said that what Kosovo has said the French-German proposal, which also has the support of Brussels and Washington, was seen as the right step.

"This is because the concepts, the notions that are used, are values, unlike the previous agreements that were part of the ideology of problem solutions, where it was said that Kosovo has this very special problem in the municipalities in the north and we will make a super special solution for it," said Kurti, who clarified that he appreciated this proposal as a step in the right direction. "Everything started on August 18, in the meeting in Brussels, the first point is the framework of the agreement."

"I am convinced that until August 18 there was no dialogue for agreements, but we had dialogue for small agreements, for concessions and sometimes even dialogue for dialogue," he said adding that on August 18, the first point was the framework of the agreement and the second was the current issues. He indicated that on September 9, not even 1 month after the meeting in Brussels, the senior advisers of President Macron and Chancellor Scholz, along with Lajcak, ‘brought a summary of ideas and models which I have not rejected, but I have said that they are a good basis. I have my remarks, and I have told them my criticisms.’

However, according to him, it happened differently with Serbia. "Finally, it was not opposed, but it was rejected in Belgrade. They have rejected it unanimously in the Security Council in Belgrade, that's why they are aiming to transform insecurity in Kosovo."

"We cannot allow the destabilization of Kosovo,” Kurti said.

Kurti: Serbia rejects French-German plan with tensions in north (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti together with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, spoke at a media conference about the latest situation in the north of Kosovo.

Kurti said that the recent situation created in the northern areas of Kosovo has nothing to do with vehicle license plates, neither with the Association, nor for the suspension of Djuric as Police Director for the North Mitrovica region. He said that all this has to do with Serbia's rejection of the proposal of the Paris and Berlin plan.

"Therefore, what is happening now is mostly explained by Belgrade's attempt to wrap up the opposition to the French-German initiative or the proposal of these two European powers," Kurti said.

"And now they have to camouflage this rejection that they have done to Europe and the EU".

Kurti said that Vucic is in close coordination with the Kremlin ‘and the despotic president, Putin, therefore he is using those who still continue to listen to him in Kosovo, i.e. various members of illegal structures.

He brought to attention that the president of Serbia had separate meetings with the ambassador of Russia and that of China in Belgrade. "And this clearly shows that Vucic meets and coordinates with Russia and China and lies and disappoints the United States of America and the European Union."

He said that Serbia is clearly interested in sabotaging the dialogue and whatever agreement and path it has chosen is in cooperation with criminal groups in the north of Kosovo for the threat of citizens and security in the country. "This path is not one of peace and cooperation, nor of building good neighborly relations, which is what we are committed to," Kurti said.

"Such efforts will be unsuccessful because our country is a strong democratic state which has economic and social growth in every field and aspect, being simultaneously aligned with the EU, USA and NATO".

"Despite the developments during this week ,the subordinate institutions have continued without interrupting the fulfillment of their duties," he said.

According to Kurti, the government of Kosovo and the institutions remain committed to the democratic and European values ​​of the rule of law, human rights and freedoms, minorities, political pluralism, peace and security.

Kurti said that the institutions are continuing with the facilitated realization of the process of converting the illegal license plates into RKS ones, including the sequential implementation of the last decision of the government of October 28.

"In recent days, the threats and efforts of Serbia and the president of our northern neighbor to destabilize the situation in our country have intensified, and these threats are practically aimed primarily at the citizens of our country by inciting fear and panic."

Kurti meeting with opposition leaders this morning (media)

All news websites are reporting on a meeting that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti is holding this morning with leaders of the three main opposition parties, in light of the developments in the north and the withdrawal of Serb representatives from Kosovo’s institutions. Some media are reporting that Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj was seen leaving the government building shortly after he arrived there.

Kosovo leaders meet to discuss developments in north (Koha)

Heads of Kosovo’s main institutions gathered on Monday evening to discuss the latest developments in the north of Kosovo. In addition to President Vjosa Osmani, Speaker Glauk Konjufca and Prime Minister Albin Kurti, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla, was also present at this meeting.

According to the announcement issued by the Office of the President, this meeting is regular coordination for the latest developments.

During this meeting, they emphasized the commitment of the institutions of Kosovo to guarantee a safe environment for all citizens through the implementation of law and order in full coordination with allied countries and international security mechanisms in Kosovo.

Osmani meets COMKFOR: Dedicated to public security (media)

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani hosted on Monday a meeting with the KFOR Commander, Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia. They discussed the recent developments in the north of Kosovo.

"President Osmani has emphasized that the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo are committed to ensuring the smooth running and public safety throughout the territory, in close cooperation with international partners and KFOR forces in Kosovo," the announcement of the Presidency states.

Furthermore, President Osmani emphasized that the implementation of law and order is the objective of Kosovo's institutions and that it does not pose a threat to any citizen, regardless of ethnicity.

Stoltenberg: Kosovo and Serbia to refrain from unilateral actions (media)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg talked with the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti and the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, after the recent developments in the north of Kosovo.

"I spoke with Aleksandar Vucic and Albin Kurti about the tense situation in the north of Kosovo. I asked both of them to refrain from any unilateral action that could cause escalation. Dialogue is the only way forward. NATO_KFOR remains alert," Stoltenberg tweeted.

According to the Prime Minister’s Office, Kurti said that the boycott of the last days by the Serbs in the north was instigated and orchestrated by Belgrade.

"He said that the boycott of the last few days is instigated and orchestrated by official Belgrade and is the result of their continuous destructive actions in the dialogue between the two countries. Prime Minister Kurti assured Secretary Stoltenberg that the Government and Institutions of Kosovo will, as always, cooperate, communicate and coordinate closely with its allies and partners," reads the communique.

"The Government of the Republic of Kosovo remains committed to the democratic and European values of the rule of law, human and minority rights and freedoms, political pluralism, peace and security," said Prime Minister Kurti.

Hovenier visits Osmani, discuss latest developments in north (media)

President Vjosa Osmani hosted the U.S. ambassador Jeffrey Hovenier. They discussed the latest developments in the north of Kosovo. "Osmani underlined the commitment of the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo to guarantee a safe environment for all the citizens of the country in full coordination with the United States of America and European allies," Osmani’s office said in a Facebook post.

Minister Svecla informs President Osmani about developments in north (media)

President Vjosa Osmani received the Minister of the Interior Xhelal Svecla, to be informed in more detail about the latest developments in the north.

"Minister Svecla has informed President Osmani about the steps taken in terms of public safety and the smooth operation of law enforcement institutions in the north of the country. President Osmani has been and is in constant contact with all the security institutions in the country to guarantee a safe environment for all the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo," says the announcement of the Presidency after this meeting.

Berlin: We’ll continue to work on an agreement together with France (Express)

The German Federal Government said in a statement to the news website on Monday that they remain concerned over the latest developments in the north of Kosovo and the withdrawal of Serb representatives from Kosovo’s institutions.

“It is important to reach an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia. Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said that it is important for the agreement to succeed, and we must work patiently and with great effort to achieve it. So, we will continue to work with France and other European partners to make sure that the dialogue continues and that there is progress on this matter,” the statement notes.

Germany highly concerned over tensions between Kosovo and Serbia (media)

A spokeswoman for the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday that Germany is concerned after the dispute over licence plates led to increased tensions between Kosovo and Serbia. “I can tell you that we are very concerned about escalation … Our urgent call to both sides is to refrain from further escalation and to resolve the dispute through direct talks. Now is the time for pragmatic compromises,” the spokeswoman said.

Haradinaj: Here are some facts; Kurti is included in Serbia’s scenario (media)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj, has asked the government of Kosovo to immediately accept the request of the USA to postpone for another 10 months the implementation of the decision to replace license plates.

At the beginning of a media conference, Haradinaj said that the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti, "is involved" and ‘is helping” in a "Serbian scenario for the failure of the proposal-agreement of Germany and France," media report.

"Several times in the past I have sworn that I will tell the truth in the interest of our national interests. And now I will present some facts about this," continued the chairman of AAK. According to him, the proposal of the agreement which arrived in October in Pristina and Belgrade, contained also the mutual recognition of Kosovo and Serbia.

"America, recognizing the intention of Serbia for the failure of the dialogue, has asked Kosovo to postpone this," Haradinaj said. "Albin Kurti has decided not to listen to America, but to go down a path that is unclear whose it is," the former prime minister said.

Haradinaj said that "Kurti and his government have turned the process from the agreement that contained recognition, to the dialogue for the return of the Serbs to the institutions and the Association."

"Citizens of Kosovo, assess for yourself who Albin Kurti is and who he works for. I have the duty to tell them the truth every time," said Haradinaj.

EULEX has not taken over police duties in north Kosovo (media)

The European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) said in a statement to the media on Monday that it has not taken over police duties in the north of Kosovo. The EU mission said that its senior police advisors north are based in the compound of Kosovo Police’s Region North Directorate and are providing advice to Kosovo Police’s Region North Directorate and the four police stations under its command on a number of issues related to the provision of policing services.

“In addition, the EULEX Advisor to the Chief Prosecutor of the Mitrovica Basic Prosecution Office and the EULEX Advisor to President of Mitrovica Basic Court are closely monitoring the situation in these two justice institutions,” EULEX said.

EULEX’s Formed Police Unit (FPU), consisting of 105 Polish police officers, has further increased its mobile reconnaissance patrols in northern Kosovo to enhance its situational awareness. “The FPU, which is stationed in Mitrovica, is Kosovo’s second security responder, forming part of a three-layer security responder mechanism where the Kosovo Police is the first security responder, EULEX is the second, and NATO/KFOR is the third. As Kosovo’s second security responder, EULEX maintains close coordination with both the Kosovo Police and KFOR, Kosovo’s first and third security responder respectively. In its role as second security responder, the EULEX FPU will only engage at the explicit request of the Kosovo Police,” EULEX statement reads.

The EU mission also said they remain vigilant and are closely monitoring all developments which may affect Kosovo’s security, as well as the security of all communities in Kosovo.

Rama reacts to situation in north, calls for restraint and dialogue (media)

Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, has reacted after the recent developments in the north, where the local Serbs have abandoned the institutions of Kosovo.

"We are following with great attention and real concern the aggravated situation in Kosovo and join the positions of our strategic allies USA and EU. Meanwhile, as we fully support the basic idea of ​​the French-German Plan, we call for restraint and dialogue," Rama wrote on Twitter.

He said he understands the Kosovo authorities for the hesitation they have for the Association of Municipalities with a Serbian majority, but he also understands the allies.

"The Kosovo authorities are within their right to have reservations about the Association of Serb Municipalities and I understand that! But I also understand the allies when they ask for this by "force"! Therefore, a tireless dialogue with Serbia must be sought in order not to lose allies!," Rama added.

North Macedonia FM: Mutual recognition, only way for normalisation (RTK)

Foreign Minister of North Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, said in a Facebook post on Monday that his country is carefully following the situation in the north of Kosovo. He emphasized that the further deterioration of the situation in the north could pose a serious challenge to the stability of the region.

"Finding a permanent solution that will ensure mutual recognition and a European future for both countries is the only way for a long-term normalization of relations that is of interest not only to both sides, but also to the entire region," Osmani wrote.

Meanwhile, the Alliance for Albanians in North Macedonia has condemned the latest provocation by the Russian Embassy in Skopje, which distributed the post with the inscription: "Kosovo is Serbia, Crimea is Russia". The alliance has said that with this action of the Russian embassy, ​​the Constitution of the country, which recognizes Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state, has been seriously violated.