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Belgrade Media Report 22 August


• Vucic: We have nowhere to go - we are cornered (B92/Politika/Tanjug/RTS)
• Hill: US-Serbia cooperation not only about Kosovo (Tanjug/RTS)
• Petkovic to Hill: Pristina’s unilateral actions can endanger security situation in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)
• KFOR raises number of troops near Jarinje, Brnjak crossings (KoSSev/Beta)
• Vucic and Aliyev: Serbia gets go-ahead for electricity deal with Azerbaijan (Beta)
• Petkovic: Only Directorate North can act in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)
• Albanians decide to take part in census (RTS)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Dodik: Serbia is in delicate moment and facing great challenges (RTRS)
• Borenovic: Serbia and Vucic showed how national interests should be defended (BN TV)
• Sarovic: Serbs and everyone in region need peace (BN TV)
• Izetbegovic: We will have to fight and defend peace; Dodik: RS has no intention of waging war and endangering peace (RTRS)
• Dodik: I believe Serbia should be involved much more in solving problems in B&H (Srna/RTRS)
• Covic’s statement regarding territorial reorganization of B&H has again brought legitimate representation and amendments to B&H Election Law into public’s focus (BHT1)
• Komsic: Territorial reorganization cannot be done without conflict (FTV)
• Radoncic: There will not be Covic’s third entity, but Croats must not be national minority either (Dnevni avaz)
• HR Schmidt says his job is to interpret Constitution of B&H as integral part of DPA – not to change it (
• Dodik pays visit to Montenegro (ATV)
• Retired Air Force pilot talks Serbia's indictment (Hina/N1)
• Dritan Abazovic’s government has fallen (CdM)
• Radulovic: Interim cabinet to get us back to EU agenda (CdM)
• Sehovic: Montenegro’s European perspective gets another chance after fall of Abazovic’s government (CdM)
• Basic: Too much bad blood among parties of “former parliamentary majority” (RTCG)
• Pisonero: Montenegro needs a stable and capable government, precious time has already been lost (RTCG)
• State Department: Quickly form a government or call early elections;We do not consider DF a partner (CdM/VoA)
• Picula: Montenegrin politics must decide whether it will continue in the direction of EU integration or whether it will become a commodity of Serbian and Russian interests (CdM)
• How to get out of the political crisis: There is no time to wait (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• “Double victory in Tetovo, Kovacevski to resign – early elections immediately” (Republika)
• Ahmeti admits defeat in Tetovo, Besa leads over DUI, double advantage of VMRO DPMNE over SDSM (Republika)
• Nikoloski: Changes won in Tetovo, changes will win in Macedonia too, early elections are the way out (Republika)
• Two Russians and one Ukrainian citizens tries to enter the weapons processing factory (Tirana Times)
• Kosovo ready to help Albania after recent incidents at military bases (ADN)
• Veliaj in Kiev, received by Zelensky! President of Ukraine: Grateful for Albania's help (Radio Tirana)
• Ukrainian Ambassador to Albania: Albania is sheltering over 3,000 Ukrainians displaced by the war (VoA/Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 19 August


• Petkovic: Working day and night to find a solution (RTS)
• Vucic sends message from Brussels (N1)
• Vucic calls meeting with Kosovo Serb representatives (Tanjug)
• Petkovic: Vucic to make no statements in Brussels, to speak on Friday (RTS/Tanjug)
• Borrell: No agreement today, discussions to be continued (Tanjug/RTS/Politika)
• Jeremic: Serbia should not give up on Kosovo (N1/Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• RS officials react to Schmidt’s behavior during media address in Gorazde; Dodik: I understood that he said that it was them in FB&H and not us in RS (ATV)
• Dodik: Not all people died for B&H, Serbs died for RS; Komsic responds that Dodik tells falsehoods (Nova BH)
• HR Schmidt’s media appearance involving harsh criticism of politicians and situation in B&H sparks reactions; B&H officials say this was a good performance or anger because plans for electoral reform were revealed (O Kanal)
• Grlic Radman: HR Schmidt should correct mistakes of his predecessors so that reforms would be implemented to ensure equality of all peoples (FTV)
• Viskovic: The only formula for the survival of B&H is an agreement between the constituent peoples and institutions within B&H, without the interference of foreigners (Srna/ATV)
• Dodik confirms that he will visit Russia at end of September (ATV)
• Cvijanovic tells Kalabukhov that RS is committed to preserving peace and stability (ATV)
• German Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We will not allow security vacuum in neighborhood, internal situation in B&H is tense (Hayat)
• Pahor: I am exerting efforts so that the EU sees Western Balkans a chance and not as a problem (
• HDZ B&H starts two-day meetings behind closed door in Vitez, participants focus on changes on Election Law, future development of political situation in B&H (Vecernji list)
• Croatia: We don’t have an opinion on the proposed EU travel ban for Russians (Hina)
• Deputies today on no confidence in the government (CdM)
• Abazovic: I am ready for a technical government (TV Adria)
• Scekic: It would be disgrace if Abazovic, who signed Fundamental Agreement, was to be dismissed (CdM)
• Brownout threat remains, as Albania helps Kosovo avoid being region’s first to cut supply (Tirana Times)

Belgrade Media Report 18 August


• UNMIK urges Vucic, Kurti to engage constructively (Beta/RTS)
• Meeting between Vucic and Kurti ended: I hope, although I'm skeptical (Tanjug/B92)
• Brnabic: Belgrade's priority preservation of peace, stability (TV Prva)
• Vucic: Role of KFOR, NATO in Kosovo and Metohija important for Serbia (Tanjug/Politika/RTS)
• Stoltenberg: KFOR ready to intervene if stability is jeopardized (Tanjug/Politika/RTS)
• Serbia doing everything to maintain peace, stability, Vucic tells Lajcak (Tanjug/RTS)
• Vucic to Escobar: Serbia a serious, reliable, responsible side in dialogue (FoNet)
• Botsan-Kharchenko: Vucic will not change stance on Russia sanctions (TASS/Beta)
• Demostat: Situation in Kosovo’s north unstable, provocative acts possible (Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Schmidt responds to accusations that he wants to change B&H Election Law according to will of HDZ B&H: I never said to anyone in Sarajevo or anywhere else that I would change Election Law (BHT1)
• Dodik: It is not good to have problems with Germany, but no money is enough to destroy character of Serb people and Germans need to understand that (ATV)
• B&H Ministry of Defense responds to inquiry about new package of NATO measures for B&H (BHT1)
• Turkovic says statements of Russian Embassy to B&H are provocation (FTV)
• Croatia records highest ever inflation (HRT1)
• Part of MPs of former majority submits initiatives for Djurovic’s dismissal and vote of no confidence in government (CdM)
• Zenka: Montenegro attacked in most perfidious wayꓼ elections most democratic solution (Portal Analitika)
• Pisonero: Political developments shouldn’t slow down implementation of European reforms (MINA)
• Record inflation in July: Although prices on international market are falling, this cannot yet be expected in our country (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Army celebrates 30th anniversary: After three decades it became a nameless Army (Republika)
• Begaj-Kajari meet after Kosovo North's reciprocity tensions (ADN)
• DP welcomes NATO's support for Kosovo after tensions with Serbia (ADN)
• Kraja and Hajnaj visit the USA, meeting with FBI and DEA officials (Radio Tirana)
• The UNDP representative and the Polish ambassador visit Lezha (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 17 August


• Vucic with Chen Bo on Kosovo and Metohija and dialogue in Brussels (Tanjug/RTS)
• Vucic, Blinken adviser discuss Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug)
• Vucic, Peach discuss Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug/RTS)
• Belgrade not giving up on finding compromise solution in Brussels (Tanjug/Politika)
• Selakovic: Situation tense ahead of dialogue doe to Pristina’s behavior (TV Pink/Beta)
• Massrali: Work on agenda of Vucic-Kurti meeting still underway (Tanjug)
• Stefanovic: I will initiate a discussion on imposing sanctions on Russia (N1)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• It is now clear that Schmidt will impose changes to Election Law because local leaders will not be bale o reach an agreement (Dnevni avaz)
• First group of German soldiers deployed within EUFOR Mission to B&H arrives in Sarajevo (ATV/O Kanal)
• Nolte meets Okolic: Germany suspended financial aid for reconstruction of Doboj barracks because of rhetoric of RS politicians (Oslobodjenje)
• Russian Embassy comments arrival of German soldiers to B&H; Western countries preparing ground for B&H’s ‘NATO-isation’ (RTRS)
• Turkovic comments statement of Russian Embassy regarding possible NATO presence in B&H (N1)
• Dodik comments arrival of German soldiers to B&H; Serbs do not decide who makes up that team (RTRS)
• Arrival of group of German soldiers in B&H as part of EUFOR Mission and Turkovic correspondence with NATO’s Stoltenberg causes mutual accusations between ruling structures and opposition in RS (RTRS)
• B&H has joins global initiative of US against apprehension and deportation of persons on territory of Ukraine under control of Russian Federation (FTV/RTRS)
• OSA B&H: A hybrid war is being led against B&H institutions (N1)
• Schmidt: It is not about majority and minority in B&H, but about the country which has three communities and three constituent peoples (Vecernji list)
• Croatian man who fought for Ukraine pleads not guilty in pro-Russian court (HRT)
• Knezevic announced: The DF will submit an initiative on the dismissal of Djurovic and no confidence in the government of Abazovic (CdM)
• Nikolic: This government has fallen, there is no longer political legitimacy in terms of support (CdM)
• Abazovic is waiting for Friday completely relaxed, he will announce some interesting things in the parliament (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• VMRO-DPMNE: The government lied, historical issues are subject to agreements (Republika)
• Petrovska: Tanks to Ukraine transported, donation does not affect army’s combat readiness (Sitel TV)
• President Begaj praises Kosovo's stance regarding tensions in North (ADN)
• President Begaj responds to Osmani's request for joint Defense Treaty (ADN)

Belgrade Media Report 16 August


• Brnabic: Vucic to fight for peace in Brussels (TV Pink/RTV/Tanjug)
• Vucic: No comparison between Serbian Armed Forces and so-called Kosovo army (Tanjug/RTS)
• Rakic: Ambassadors of the Quint told us to accept the independence of Kosovo (B92)
• Dveri Party unveils platform on Kosovo (Beta)
• Matic: Wine fair to also promote tourism industries of Open Balkans states (Tanjug/Politika)
• Hill: I'm not pursuing anti-Serbian policy, I'm here to build stronger Serbian-US relations (RTS)
• Refugee Commissioner says almost 10,000 migrants in Serbia (Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office confirms its support to HR Schmidt’s intention to impose changes to B&H Election Law (Dnevni avaz)
• Diplomatic sources say Croatia does not support HNS initiative for B&H to move its embassy to Jerusalem (Hayat)
• US Congress to discuss two law proposals dealing with B&H and Western Balkans (Oslobodjenje)
• Is Erdogan coming to support or pacify Izetbegovic (Nezavisne)
• Turkovic: There is danger that mandate of EUFOR Althea Mission will not be extended in November (Oslobodjenje)
• First group of German soldiers arrive in B&H as part of EUFOR mission (N1)
• Kovacevic: RS has nothing against ALTHEA mission, but it has never said that it is in favor of arrival of any new military troops, including German troops (RTRS/ATV)
• Abazovic: If government doesn’t fall, a big reshuffle about to happen – everyone’s invited apart from DPS and SDP (CdM)
• Maddocks: Another change of power doesn’t necessarily mean instability (Pobjeda)
• Dzomic: No future agreement can encroach on rights guaranteed and recognized to SPC by Fundamental Agreement (CdM)
• Zakharova on the expulsion of the Russian diplomat from Montenegro: An illogical decision (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Mickoski: If Kovacevski gathers 80 MPs for constitutional changes, I will fulfill the promise given the next day, if he fails, let’s hold elections (Republika)
• USA recognizes the languages of Western Balkans - it is stated in the proposed legislation for aid to the region (VoA/Libertas)
• President Begaj received by Kosovo PM (ADN)
• Osmani: Kosovo and Albania to reach mutual protection agreement (ADN)
• Kosovo revokes decision to limit power supply after coop with Albania (ADN)