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Belgrade Media Report 27 July 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Wednesday 27 July 2022


• Vucic and Orban: Serbia and Hungary will be supporting each other (Beta)
• Popovic: After constitutional change judicial laws up for changes, Venetian Commission to help (Beta)
• Petkovic discussed with Chinese Ambassador current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the dialogue (Tanjug)
• Open Balkans members agree on free movement of basic foodstuffs (RTS/Beta)
• Talks in Tirana on increase of exports of Serbian products (Tanjug)
• Kamberi: Pristina did not decide on whether we will participate in census (Politika/Bujanovacke)
• Dacic convenes constitutional session of Serbian parliament (Tanjug/RTS)
• The British receive another license to dig up gold in Kosovo and Metohija (Politika)
• Djukanovic: Abazovic’s actions to be judged by voters, courts and history; logically, Montenegro should be first next EU member (


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Tuesday’s protest of citizens in front of OHR ends around noon; New protest to take place on Wednesday (O Kanal/BHT1)
• Several parties submit separate declarations regarding possible imposing of changes of Law on Elections, HR Schmidt declines invitation to address FB&H HoR (BHT1)
• HNS holds session (Nova BH/BHT1/FTV)
• Dodik: B&H is a divided country; Sarovic was silent when international community and B&H CC made interventions regarding RS, now calls on OHR not to intervene (RTRS)
• SNSD Sarajevo: Monday’s protests show real image of relations in B&H (O Kanal)
• Washington stands behind Schmidt (VoA/Avaz)
• Schmidt meets UK Ambassador Reilly (Avaz)
• Plenkovic: Protest in Sarajevo and threats to HR Schmidt horrible and unacceptable (Nova BH/N1)
• Sanctions again all who undermine stability of B&H (Srna)
• Human Rights Action sent proposals for amendments to Fundamental Agreement to Djukanovic and Abazovic (CdM)
• Abazovic: Ambassador Weber contributed significantly to democracy promotion in Montenegro (
Republic of North Macedonia
• Osmani interferes in the content of the referendum question (Republika)
• Geer: Becoming EU member depends on the speed with which reforms are implemented (TV Kanal 5)
• Zoran Popov’s nomination confirmed by parliamentary committee to be new Ambassador to US (Republika)
• Open Balkans/ Albania will supply Serbia and North Macedonia with coal, in return it will receive wheat, corn, oil (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 26 July 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Tuesday 26 July 2022


• Vucic visits the works on the bridge over the Sava (B92)
• Forming of joint working group of Serbia, Albania, Northern Macedonia for energy cooperation accepted (Tanjug/RTS)
• Arifi: Albanians from Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja to take part in census (Bujanovacke/RTV/Tanjug)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Protests held in front of OHR over alleged imposition of changes to B&H Election Law (BHT1)
• Izetbegovic: In case that announced amendments to B&H Election Law are imposed, it will be only to the detriment of B&H citizens (Hayat)
• Dzaferovic: I call on HR Schmidt not to amend Election Law at time of pre-election campaign (N1)
• Niksic talks to Schmidt: Schmidt gives up on imposing of changes to Election Law (Avaz/N1)
• Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Assembly adopts declaration opposing imposition of solutions that further deepen ethnic divisions (BHT1)
• Russian Embassy: OHR turns into generator of instability as result of Schmidt's arbitrary and unbalanced decisions (RTRS)
• Plenkovic, Covic hold meeting and discuss alleged imposing of changes to B&H Election Law (BHT1)
• Grlic-Radman: Croatian government supports efforts of HR (HRT1)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Gruevski: Through attempts to change history and origin of Macedonian language and nation, in the past, now and in the future, Bulgaria will try to create second Bulgarian state in the Balkans from Macedonia (Republika)
• Nikolla: Albania and Portugal, close partners in NATO (Radio Tirana)
• SMI's official name changes to the Party of Liberty (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 25 July 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Monday 25 July 2022


• Vucic: Citizens voted the government, I do not fulfill anybody’s wishes (RTV/Tanjug)
• Ambassador Hill: I would like to see a pro-West government (Blic)
• Consulate of Serbia opened in Ohrid (Politika)
• Presevo-Tabanovce border crossing confirmation of importance of Open Balkans Initiative (Tanjug)
• Cooperation with Hungary in field of renewable hydrogen (RTV/Tanjug)
• Dacic: Wider context (RTS)
• Dacic: New parliament late this or early next week (RTS)
• Schieb: Normalization process expected to end with two sides’ mutual recognition (FoNet)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Parties gathered around HNS send letter to public: We are witnessing very aggressive rhetoric of Bosniak political leadership (BHT1)
• Islamic Community shares concerns of its members about announcements of HR’s changes to B&H Election Law (Hayat)
• Komsic calls on Schmidt to return to B&H and explain alleged changes to B&H Election Law (O Kanal)
• Dodik: Imposing Election Law changes would contribute to even greater confusion (ATV)
• Izetbegovic: OHR’s new plan is obviously trial balloon (Hayat)
• Dodik meets with Beyer, states that by supporting unconfirmed HR, Germany has sided with Muslims, or Bosniaks (ATV/RTRS)
• Beyer: Schmidt will act in the interest of the people of B&H (O Kanal)
• Klix learns that outline of OHR’s proposal for changes to Election Law came from office of Croatian Foreign Minister Grlic Radman (
• Session of the B&H Presidency held on Friday several agreements and strategies adopted (BHT1/ATV)
• Cvijanovic reacts to request from Congress of Bosniaks of North America to US to ban Cvijanovic from entering US (ATV)
• Milanovic: Schmidt’s proposal deserves every second of our attention (HRT1)
• Abazovic receives threats over Lazovic’s arrest, wants them to be investigated (Vijesti)
• Boskovic: It’s obvious Miljanic cooperates with PM Abazovic (Pobjeda)
• Zivkovic on Kurti’s appointment: It seems that “liberators” are above all freed from shame (CdM)
• Sehovic: Overthrow government that functions according to principle – a kilo of betrayal for half a kilo of positions (Pobjeda)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Mickoski meets Orban: EU integrations are necessary, but with dignity and with the preservation of the identity features of the people (Republika)
• Mickoski: DUI entered into a pact with Bulgaria and betrayed the Macedonian people (Vecer)
• President Begaj addresses to the nation (Radio Tirana)
• Borrell congratulates Begaj/We look forward to continuing to move forward on our common path in the EU (Radio Tirana)
• Mazi: Becoming a full member of the EU, depends on the pace of work and preparation of Albania (Report TV/Radio Tirana)
• Reshuffles in the govt/Balluku appointed Deputy Prime Minister! Chief negotiator Mazi replaced by Majlinda Dhuka (Radio Tirana)
• Meta in the Assembly of Kosovo: The only way for Albanians is the EU and NATO! Proud of KLA (Radio Tirana)
• Albanian parliament resolution rejects organ trafficking charges (RFE/N1)

Belgrade Media Report 22 July 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Friday 22 July 2022


• Vucic: There will be big changes in the government (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)
• Vucic: Serbia will to continue to sell arms to other countries (Beta)
• Vucic says Antonov crash was traffic accident (FoNet)
• Dacic receives Italian Ambassador (Politika)
• Ukrainian Ambassador hopes Serbia will join sanctions against Russia when new cabinet is voted in (Demostat/Beta)
• General urban plan for Novi Sad adopted, protests in front of city assembly (Beta)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Reactions to OHR’s proposed amendments to B&H Election Law to ensure FB&H’s functionality continue (O Kanal)
• Niksic criticizes alleged proposal of OHR about changes to B&H Election Law (Nova BH)
• HNS claims they are exposed to persecution for achieving their rights (FTV)
• Dodik comments announced changes of Election Law (O Kanal/N1)
• Dodik comments his visit to Israel (RTRS)
• Cvijanovic meets with US Special Envoy Escobar and US Congressman Khanna (ATV)
• Plenkovic: Schmidt is trying to correct mistakes of his predecessors (HRT1)
• Gorjanc Prelevic refuses invitation to commission to analyze Agreement with SPC (CdM)
• Who are candidates for one judge of Constitutional Court? (MINA)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Mickoski: Sovereignty comes from the citizens, the government should show democratic capacity and accept a referendum (Republika)
• Milososki: Instead of opening negotiating framework, guidelines were given for opening of Constitution, that’s why there is no celebration in Macedonia (Republika)
• President of Kosovo Osmani press conference with President Ilir Meta (Radio Tirana)
• People involved in corruption in Albania sanctioned by Great Britain; Kim: No one is above the law (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 21 July


• Visit of President of Egypt additional impulse in bilateral relations (Tanjug/Politika)
• Selakovic and Hassan Shukri: Understanding regarding Kosovo (RTV/FoNet)
• Dacic meets with Egyptian President (Tanjug/RTV)
• Petkovic: Kurti has no right to accuse Belgrade of blocking the dialogue (RTS)
• Trajkovic: Vucic has an entire illegal system in tow (Nova/Beta)
• Serbian Defense Ministry: Plane that crashed in Greece was not transporting weapons to Ukraine (Tanjug)
• Flessenkemper: Too soon to talk about requirements for Kosovo to join CoE (Beta)
• Beyer: We would like Serbia also to join the sanctions against Russia (RFE/Beta/Politika)
• Will Schmidt impose changes to Election Law of B&H (Politika)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• N1 learns details of HR Schmidt’s draft decision on measures for restoring of functioning of FB&H (N1)
• OHR continues consultations regarding changes to B&H Election Law (O Kanal)
• We have serious hybrid Russian operations in B&H territory, we will defend ourselves (N1/Dnevni list)
• Podzic’s statements remind of war (Nezavisne/Srna)
• Russian Embassy in B&H: Writings about Muslims from Russia are absurd (RTRS)
• Dodik receives recognition of ‘Friends of Zion’ for his support to Israel and Jewish people (RTRS)
• Cvijanovic continues visit to USA (RTRS)
• We support Schmidt’s efforts so that all people can elect their representatives (Vecernji list)
• Knezevic: Is it true that you threatened Djukanovic with arrest if he refused to support you?; Abazovic: I don’t blackmail and I don’t defend anyone (CdM)
• Erakovic to Abazovic: Don’t hide behind half-truths, don’t relativize nationalism (CdM)
• EU Movement in MNE: We hope that Middle Ages and clericalism won’t stand in way of future of our children in EU (CdM)
• Krivokapic and Lundberg sign the Cooperation Framework 2023-2027 (
Republic of North Macedonia
• Mickoski: There is no screening, no negotiations, what is happening now is monitoring! (Republika)
• Young Macedonian linguists issue Proclamation for the Protection of the Macedonian Language and Literature and Macedonian Studies (Republika)