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UNMIK Headlines 24 October

Headlines - 24.10.2017

  • Yee: We have been involved in dialogue from the beginning (RTK)
  • No red lines in second round of voting (Zeri)
  • S. urges Kosovo institutions to address irregularities before runoffs (Zeri)
  • Veseli: We did good in local elections (Koha)
  • Vetevendosje’s Kurti calls for self-criticism (Kosova Sot)
  • Serbian List fined with € 22,000 (RTK)

Kosovo Media Highlights

Yee: We have been involved in dialogue from the beginning (RTK)

The U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, Hoyt Brian Yee, commented on the recent announcements that the U.S. should be involved in the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade. He said that Economic Summit of Serbia that the United States have been involved in the dialogue from the very beginning. “America has been involved in the dialogue from the beginning and it is not a secret that we participated in this process led by Brussels,” Yee said. He added that his country wants Balkan states to be sustainable and without conflicts. “The danger of conflict still exists, as long as there are disagreements and unresolved problems. However tendency for peace and stability is positive,” Yee said. “The countries which want to join the EU should have this decision clear. You cannot sit on two chars,” He said.

No red lines in second round of voting (Zeri)

The paper reports on the front page that political parties whose candidates are running in the second round of mayoral elections have not drawn any red lines but that they have not yet decided who they will cooperate with in an effort to secure more votes. Meanwhile, political analysts say that the likeliest cooperation is between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Vetevendosje in municipalities where the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) is in the lead while PDK and LDK could join forces in towns where Vetevendosje aims to win. Analysts also don’t rule out the possibility of Vetevendosje and PDK cooperating in certain places to outdo LDK.

U.S. urges Kosovo institutions to address irregularities before runoffs (Zeri)

The U.S. Embassy has congratulated the people of Kosovo for successful local elections and called on relevant Kosovo institutions to address concerns from Sunday’s vote before the runoffs take place. “While we are concerned by some reports of outdated voter registries, double-voting and other sporadic irregularities, we hope some of these issues can be addressed before the next round of municipal voting in November,” the Embassy said in a statement. It added that the increased voter turnout in these elections are positive signs for Kosovo’s democracy and that the U.S. hopes elected officials will commit to positive change that will move Kosovo towards full Euro-Atlantic integration.

Veseli: We did good in local elections (Koha)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli, told Tirana-based Top Channel that they are pleased with the local elections result. “We have expected this success,” said Veseli adding that PDK made a positive comeback following June elections where it didn’t do so well. He said that the party has not yet decided who to support in Pristina where Vetevendosje and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) are going to the second round but that they are not ruling out any of the candidates.

Vetevendosje’s Kurti calls for self-criticism (Kosova Sot)

Former Vetevendosje leader and MP, Albin Kurti, wrote in a Facebook post that although Vetevendosje did much better in these local elections that the past ones in 2013 when it managed to make it to the second round of voting in only one municipality, “this is not the result we were hoping or expecting.” Kurti said Vetevendosje will spend the following days reflecting and analyzing its action strategies. “What are the shortcomings of our organization and we can we fix them,” Kurti wrote.

Serbian List fined with € 22,000 (RTK)

An election video which called to vote for the Serbian List, and which carried the words “Vote for Serbian List is a vote for Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija,” has cost this party a € 22,000 fine. A complaint for violation of the code of conduct and Law on general elections was filed on 18 October.  However, the Serbian List replied to Elections Complaints and Appeals Panel (ECAP) saying that this party does not manage the Facebook page where the video was published, and added that such video could have been published by its opponents. This justification was not found grounded by the ECAP, being that the video continuously appeared on the official page of this party and they refused to remove it with the justification that they cannot find it.