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Border demarcation to reunite opposition parties? (Kallxo)

Officials from the three opposition parties – Vetëvendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – have not ruled out the possibility of joining their forces to oppose the ratification of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. The agreement is expected to be put to vote at the Kosovo Assembly within two months. Vetëvendosje spokesperson Frashër Krasniqi said the future protest could be called in cooperation with other opposition parties. “Vetëvendosje was always open to organise protests in cooperation with anyone interested in opposing injustices in Kosovo”, said Krasniqi announcing even more powerful and massive protests if the Government attempts to revive demarcation with Montenegro and the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities. NISMA secretary Billal Sherifi said they remain open to cooperation with Vetëvendosje but also with the ruling parties in “creating a broad political front”. “Once the goals are achieved, it is up to each political party or individual to decide on what side to align”, he noted.  Sherifi however added that they have not discussed the prospects of a protest for the near future.  At the same time, the head of AAK parliamentary group, Pal Lekaj, said the party would be interested in cooperating with Vetëvendosje in opposing the two disputed agreements.