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A failure worthy to be forgotten (Koha Ditore)

Adriatik Kelmendi considers that the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), should immediately start working on regaining trust, after failing to vote ratification of the Stabilization Association Agreement. He says that it is regrettable that these two parties and Vetevendosje Movement ruined the 25 year old Albanian consensus on this matter. “Was the SAA with Kosovo the best? No! Could it be negotiated better? Perhaps! Should it be approved? Absolutely, definitively YES,” writes Kelmendi.

He notes that despite the political grudge and often deserved criticism on the address of the governing coalition, the fact that the Assembly of Kosovo managed to ratify this contractual relation with the EU, should be hailed. He adds that the opposition parties were aware that the government has the sufficient number of votes to ratify the agreement and that they did not have any political benefit from such decision. Instead, they only served a penalty to the governing parties which they will not be lazy to use, and they also risked to be seen with a skeptical eye by the EU member countries as well as Kosovo’s population.

Kelmendi considers that AAK and NISMA leaders are aware that it was a mistake not to vote ratification of SAA. Their decision to exclude themselves from this flow is not expected to advance Kosovo in any aspect and neither does it advance them politically, but in the contrary. As such, he concludes, this episode which fortunately did not cause any consequences for Kosovo, should be left to some kind of political margins.