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Unconditioned dialogue, including early elections (Koha Ditore)

Halil Matoshi writes today that quarrels and aggressive discourse against the opposition cannot overcome the situation “of the small and clashed country” as referred to Kosovo in the western media. He considers that the solution stands in an offer for a political, unconditioned discussion, which would not exclude early elections. “The Prime Minister of Kosovo and leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, should not relay on the Special Court, based on a naïve perception that this mechanism would clear up his yard from torn and he would someday remain alone in the battle.

Matoshi notes that the government of Kosovo should not dare to insult a large mass of population which participated in the protests of 9 January. Instead, the government should address people and inform, based on security information, what stands in reality behind those protests. Matoshi says that after the verdict of the Constitutional Court, and pledge of the Prime Minister for a multi-party commission, there is no reason to protest for the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities or for the demarcation of the border with Montenegro. According to him, President Jahjaga’s request for the opinion of the Constitutional Court on whether the general principles for the creation of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities affected the spirit of the Constitution is absurd, being that principals are metaphysical postulates without a judicial impact. Only after the drafting of the statute the Constitutional Court can give its “permission,” he notes.

Matoshi insists that both the coalition government and opposition parties should sit and discuss the future of Kosovo. He stresses the importance of electing a credible figure for the President of Kosovo, who would result from e wide society consensus. He also advises not to neglect the drafting of the statute for the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. According to him, only after fulfillment of this obligation, which derives from Ahtisaari’s package, the international factor would approve the idea of early elections.