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Clash and rule (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of the paper says that yesterday’s meeting between party leaders at the office of the President did not offer anything new, instead, it only proved that the governing coalition has no intention to compromise with opposition, and that protests throughout Kosovo remain the only solution. According to Kosova Sot, the President failed to offer any interesting options either. “If she does not have the courage to propose new elections, she could at least initiate the creation of a technical government, without the names of failed leaders, but with distinguished professionals from different fields instead, who would be presented by the different parties. On the other hand, the presence of only one of the opposition leaders at the meeting, raised hopes of the leaders of the government for a potential clash within the united opposition front. The “clash and rule” logic  is the motto especially of the PDK leaders, who have successfully used this strategy in the past. Haradinaj is perhaps one of the main victims of such deceits by the PDK leaders, and this may have been his motivation for attending the meeting and telling them the truth face to face. In very few sentences, the AAK leader revealed the reality in Kosovo, where everything is deteriorating and where the only solution is to hold early parliamentary elections. Despite pro-government media speculations about the possibility of division among the opposition parties, the three opposition parties will protest together on 17 February to express their demands and the will of thousands of citizens for the government to resign. The coalition government fears massive population mobilization and this is made obvious in their irresponsible statements. It is clear now that the end of the Thaci-Mustafa duo is getting closer,” concludes this daily.