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The Commission for Missing Persons: Raska still in focus (RTK2)

"Raska region for us has not been completed. We have checked only the quarry, we have some points that were suspicious for us and we will process it at the working group in Belgrade," says Prenk Gjetaj, President of the Government Commission on Missing Persons.

A meeting of the Commission for Missing Persons in Pristina/Prishtine this time was not attended by representatives of families of missing and kidnapped Serbs from Kosovo. Gjetaj told RTK2 that he expects good cooperation to continue.

"They should come. They belong here, because they represent a special category. I asked for help on this issue from the Serbian delegation, they would be witnesses and would be familiar with all the activities that take place in the government commission for missing persons. We did not get a negative response from their side, but they do not come and it's not good," says Gjetaj.

From the Association of Kidnapped and Missing Persons in Gracanica point out that they do not get invitations for the government meetings on Missing Persons in Pristina/Prishtine.

"We never received an invitation. Maybe they talked about it in meetings in Belgrade, but no one informs us. In Kosovo there are three associations of kidnapped, in Velika Hoca, Mitrovica/Mitrovice and Gracanica, and none of those three associations knows anything about these meetings," said Silvana Marinkovic, president of the missing in Gracanica.

Bajram Cerkinaj, the father of missing Rashit says that the process of clarifying the fate of missing is very slow and that of the working group meeting of the two delegations in Belgrade he expects anything real.

"Those people who did this, they run the state, it is difficult, very difficult to exercise the rights of families of missing. Nothing true comes from that meeting, especially for the public. Nothing real is expected from Pajazit Nushi and Veljko Odalovic," said Bajram Cerkinaj.

New meeting of the Working Group on Missing Persons between Pristina and Belgrade is scheduled for 18 November in Belgrade.