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Less room for Serbs in the new Kosovo government (KiM radio)

Political analyst Dusan Janjic said that the new Kosovo government would be stable, because the opposition is divided, and that the Serbs in it would have fewer seats than before, and that they should be happy if they had a minister and vice president.

Janjic said in an interview for weekly NIN that Serbs did not understand what had happened during several months of formation of the government institutions in Kosovo and that some in Belgrade and Kosovo miscalculated that they would be decisive partner in political arrangements.

Janjic stated that six out of ten places would get Serb representatives who had never participated in Kosovo institutions and instinctively followed only Belgrade. He said that the Serbs had only one independent MP - Nenad Rasic and two from the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) who had understood the reality that "one cannot work by the command of Vulin, Djuric or Janjic from Belgrade."

Janjic said that Serbs are not necessary as the whole list, that there were no guarantees that all would join the ruling coalition, but they had to fight for it.

"I do not know how Hashim Thaci will relate to them, because they gave promises to him, too," said Janjic.

He went on to say that the Serbs were favoured and that they received more seats because they had been decisive number for ruling majority, and that now we could be sure that they would get less seats in the Assembly, public companies, and in the government.

"Now they should be happy if they get a minister, deputy prime minister and for example three to four assistants and deputies. It is the maximum," said Janjic, reminding that the Serbs in the previous government had three ministries, a vice president and a dozen of deputies and assistants.

Janjic said that the power in Pristina would be stable, such as the government of Vucic, perhaps more stable, because the opposition is divided.

He said that it seemed that the only loser is Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, because, he prematurely declared himself the sole candidate for prime minister.