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Identification of key Serb’s problems in Kosovo (KIM Radio)

The conference dubbed ‘Power of the Joint Voice”, which aims to identify five key issues of the interest to Serb community in Kosovo, will take place today in Gračanica/Graçanicë in organization of the Center for Society Orientation, Center for Peace and Tolerance and Future Without Fear, with the support of the EU Office in Kosovo. According to the organizers, the event is part of a project ‘Joint Voice’ which will last next 18 months.

The goal is to identify essential problems of the Serb community through engagement of all structures, politicians, NGOs, public figures, professionals and international community as well.

The outcome of the conference should be a platform that would serve as a guide for the future Association/Community of Serb municipalities.

Conference will be attended by the Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic, Minister for Local Government Administration Ljubomir Maric, Belgrade’s Liaison Officer with Pristina Dejan Pavicevic, representative of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, representatives of NGOs, and the head of Operations Section of the EU Office in Kosovo Christof Stock.