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Office for Kosovo and Metohija: The aim of the attacks is to intimidate Serbs (KIM Radio)

Office for Kosovo strongly condemns the increasingly frequent attacks on Serbs in Kosovo, which, as stated, resulted in anxiety among Serbian community, particularly returnees. The aim of the attack was, as stated by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, intimidation of Serbs and forcing them to permanently leave the ancestral homes. "The attacks that have occurred in recent days, although diverse, indicate the worrying state of the security system in Kosovo and lack of commitment of the Pristina institutions for true normalization of relations and ensuring sustainable conditions for the coexistence in Kosovo."

The press release states that these and similar attacks could be prevented by effective investigations, arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators, but also more effective prevention in the form of placing KFOR checkpoints and police at the entrances to Serbian enclaves. "It is encouraging that in a very short time The Police arrested one and identified the second attacker on Zoran Kostic, who was stabbed yesterday at the entrance to the village Pasjane near Gnjilane. Such a response should be the model for future action.

Unfortunately, the attackers on Vuleta Voštić in Klina municipality have not been arrested. What is particularly warring is that, despite the existence of eyewitnesses, persons who tried to abduct nine year old girl of Serbian nationality in the village of Babin Most near Obilic have not been brought to justice."

The Office recalls that the perpetrators of the recent attack on a minor Nikola Saveljić at Peace Park in northern Kosovska Mitrovica have not yet been identified. All these events are creating tension in already unstable area and therefore the institutions in Pristina and the international forces should make further efforts to prevent such attacks.
