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Mayors from Kosovo-Morava region unite to tackle issues (KIM Radio)

Mayors of Serb majority municipalities, Novo Brdo/Novobërdë, Ranilug/Ranillug and Parteš–Pasjane/Partesh-Pasjanë, held a meeting yesterday to discuss their concerns regarding the economic, security and other general issues affecting the Kosovo-Morava region.

Svetislav Ivanović, Gradimir Mikić and Dragan Nikolić agreed on joint action in the future when tackling the issues affecting the residents of these municipalities. “Residents want better cooperation between representatives of these municipalities and want them to show determination in dealing with problems faced by people who live there,” according to the statement issued by Parteš–Pasjane/Partesh-Pasjanë municipality.

Mayors also agreed on signing a Memorandum on overall cooperation and on having regular meetings in future.