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Dangerous intentions of Marko Djuric (Vesti)

Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric is not telling the truth when he says that somebody has planted the papers on the integration of the University of Pristina (relocated in North Mitrovica), without the stamp and signature and that he did not stand behind it.

The truth is that Djuric initiated all of this with a group of people who have had a personal interest. He tried to deceive students, professors, people in Kosovo with an attempt to shut down ten faculties, but also and the Serbian government, and possibly Prime Minister Vucic who was not familiar with Djuric's intentions and actions, according to reliable information I have, says Dragan Jablanovic, a member (representative of the Government of Serbia) of the Council of the Law Faculty in North Mitrovica and Leposavic/Leposaviq municipal president.

He stresses that Djuric, falsely representing the state at the University as unsustainable, cited some fictitious reasons for "some kind of integration." He also says that the Head of the Office for KiM wanted to "shut down all the faculties, forming a temporary Council of the University in which would be his men, acting rector his man and then he can do with the University what he pleases, which is a pillar of the survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and to give it to whom he wants."

- All the decisions have already been prepared in advance. I am shocked by Djuric's behaviour. Instead to admit the mistake and apologize, and keep silent, he tries, with the fabrications and pressures on media in Kosovo and other, to cover up the coup that he prepared - adds Jablanovic. He estimates that Djuric's attempt was a trial balloon and preparation for the integration of the University of Pristina (North Mitrovica), in the so-called institutions of Republic of Kosovo.

- All this, that Djuric has prepared, fits into the plans of Pristina to form in Kosovo a single integrated university for minorities. Thus we would enter into the Kosovo system, and we would ourselves acknowledge that we are a national minority. On all faculty councils it was clearly stated that "Djuric's integration" directly leads to the integration of the University of Kosovska Mitrovica in Kosovo state institutions - says Jablanovic.