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Đurić: Security situation in Kosovo and Metohija inflammatory (TV Most)

Reflecting on the incident in the village Mušutište, Suva Reka municipality in Kosovo, director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić, said that such extremism and unhidden hatred toward the Serbs are evidence how inflammatory security situation in Kosovo and Metohija is, and that “our southern province is far away from building multiethnic and democratic society”.

“Few days ago, following the erection of a billboard by Albanian extremists, which was a public call for today’s expression of hatred toward Serbs, we warned what is underway and that if authorized bodies have taken proper measures we would not witness the images today that remind on those from the March 2004,” reads Đurić’s communique.

He went on to say that those who are suggesting that UN Security Council should cancel its quarterly sessions dedicated to analyzing situation in Kosovo and Metohija should provide the answer to the question: is this the alleged normalization of relations which serves as justification for their proposal?

In his communique Đurić further said that Serbia does not see anything normal in the manifestation of hatred toward Serbs, who only wish to gather, from religious and commemorative reasons, around their burned houses and ruins of their churches, and asked: “If Serbs are not allowed even this, how can we talk about the perspective of Serb-Albanian relations?”