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Dacic to Thaci: KLA committed genocide against Serb people (B92, Tanjug)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is "continuing with provocations," Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic observed on Wednesday.

According to Dacic, after "the debacle" of Thaci's idea to form the so-called Kosovo army, he is trying to "switch the domestic public's attention" to a different topic - a genocide lawsuit against Serbia.

In a written statement sent to the media, Dacic said that it is "particularly known" that Serbia did not commit genocide in Kosovo - "instead, the KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") committed genocide against the Serb people."

The data on the decreased number of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija today compared to 1999 testifies to this, the minister added.

"Not even the Hague Tribunal nor its prosecution ever accused Serbia of genocide, instead, a specialist court for KLA crimes has been formed," Dacic pointed out.

"Therefore, it is the KLA criminals that will go to court, not Serbia," he said.

Dacic also remarked that Thaci "knows nothing will come out of this" - considering that so-called Kosovo is not a member of the UN and cannot file lawsuits before the Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ).

The minister also observed that Pristina "withdrew the law on establishing the Kosovo army under pressure from the international community."