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"EU more popular in Serbia than in many EU member-states" (B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says that his country will maintain its "the road toward the EU" foreign policy course.

Speaking a day after Serbia's new government was elected, he said the EU integration was being carried out "for the sake of citizens, not for EU's sake."

The minister took part in the opening of a conference dubbed "Multi-speed Europe - Western Balkans in reverse" via a video message, and said that the new government will keep the priorities of the previous one.

"We stand by the European road of Serbia, which means not only accession negotiations, but aligning the society with EU's values, which is even more important."

"Serbia's priorities will be peace and stability in the region, redefining relations with great powers such as the US and Great Britain, but also maintaining relations with China and Russia. A priority will be to foster traditional friendships that started in the Non-Aligned Movement, that is, with countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America," said Dacic.

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