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Drecun: There is no need for the region to be on the line of fire between the US and Russia (RTS)

Chairman of the Committee for KiM Milovan Drecun told RTS that senior US official Wess Mitchell has come to send a message that the Kosovo issue will be treated in the context of their geopolitical confrontation with Russia and that they will continue to have a one-sided approach to the Kosovo problem.

Milovan Drecun says that it is clear that there is no "American package for Kosovo" about which the media speculates.

"The top US official, Wess Mitchell, has come to send certain messages. The first is that the problem of Kosmet will be treated in the context of the geopolitical confrontation with Russia, and the second, that they will continue with a one-sided approach to the Kosovo problem," Drecun says.

He adds that the new is that the United States will play a more active role in Kosovo next year.

"It needs to be seen how they will define this role. Mitchell talks about the need to continue the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, but does not mention the ZSO. He has sent a message that no one has the right to veto the transformation of Kosovo security forces," explains Drecun.

He says a senior US official has shown that there is a continuity of American politics.

"The United States has completed work in Macedonia, in Montenegro, and now Serbia is next, to reduce the Russia’s influence in our country, and this can best be done through the Kosovo problem. It is not good that the region is drawn into this geopolitical confrontation, and it does need to be on the line of fire," notes Drecun.

He points out that US approach is one-sided, and that there is no talk about the malignant influence of organized crime in Kosovo.

"All US officials are repeating this attitude towards Russia; it's like a mantra in the US. We, as a small country, should refrain from extreme comments. In the coming period, we should expect an increase of such rhetoric," says Drecun.

Drecun says that the ZSO is needed, the way it has been agreed.

"We have a clear position and I think our officials will repeat that we will not open the door to the UN. Initial proposal of the President Vucic is needed as soon as possible," concludes Drecun.