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Drecun: Huge gap between Serbs and Albanians (Tanjug, B92, TV Pink)

Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun told Serbian media there is a huge gap between Serbs and Albanians and people alike Ramush Haradinaj cannot build a reconciliation.

He added, Haradinaj’s remarks on reconciliation are “cynical” and the biggest contribution (to the reconciliation) would be if he would be held responsible before the judiciary for committed crimes.

Commenting on the new plan, alleging that USA requests Serbia to recognize self-declared Kosovo and do not prevent its membership in the UN, Drecun said it is nothing new, however Serbia would not do so.

"The more we refuse, we will be create a maneuvering space. Serbia must define the priority goals in the next period. The Serb Republic (Serb entity in Bosnia) must be linked to the problem of Kosmet (Kosovo and Metohija). We must think things through and take a stand. In the coming period, these two key issues must be resolved," Drecun told TV Pink.He explained that if Serbia were to accept what is being demanded of it, this would open the door for the creation of a Greater Albania - "and that would solve nothing, it would only generate a crisis in these areas."According to him, pressure is exerted on the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija and on Serbia through constant attacks on Serbs and through property grabs, while on the other hand Albania is reviving the thesis about "the merging the two states."

Drecun said that the story of about crimes in Kosovo and Metohija was completely turned upside down and that only Serbs, and not Albanians, are being put on trial. "There are many false charges against Serbs, everything is being done to create instability in Kosovo," Drecun concluded.