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Drecun: Unilateral Pristina’s acts destabilize dialogue (RTS)

A series of unilateral Pristina’s acts destabilize the dialogue and prevent its continuation, Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun told RTS morning news edition.

Commenting on Pristina’s initiative to join Interpol, Drecun said Serbia is making utmost efforts to prevent that and that many Interpol member states now completely understand what Pristina wants.

He termed Pristina as “black hole in Europe” adding it is a territory controlled by criminal groups, whose leaders are politicians such Thaci, Haradinaj, Haliti and Veseli.

“At the same time they are politicians responsible to fight against organized crime, terrorism, radical Islamism, corruption, while they are leaders of all that and many understood, there are political reasons at stake and tremendous pressure is being exercised,” Drecun said, in reference to Pristina Interpol bid.