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Kosovo Serbs continue their protest today, students to perform a basketball play with hands tied (RTS)

Serbs from Kosovo continue to protest peacefully today due to Pristina’s 100 percent tax increase, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Students of the University of Pristina (with a temporary seat in in Mitrovica north) wo hold a new performance at noon.

Student Vice-Rector Nemanja Bisevac told RTS that they plan to have the performance today.

“Today we will organize a basketball match between Kosovo Serbs and the so-called sponsors of Kosovo’s independence. With this performance we will show what the fight of local Serbs and students against those sponsors look like. I think that we will manage, in a new way, to present to the world what it looks like here, and I hope that finally we will get some statement or rather pressure of international community on the Pristina authorities” Bisevac told RTS.

According to him, this way, students refer to the fact that Partizan basketball players were not allowed to enter Kosovo and play. He notes that the dorms are full, and that students stayed in North Mitrovica, although their parents were worried.

“We are trying to make the student life normal, although the situation is not normal at all. For now, student canteens are working normally, there are enough meals, but this can be changed at any moment” said Student Vice-Rector Nemanja Bisevac to RTS.

RTS recalls that yesterday the protests were held in North Mitrovica, Gracanica and Strpce.