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Vucic for RTS: I am ready for difficult decisions, but those must be difficult and for Pristina not only for Belgrade (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told morning RTS News that he is not optimistic that a final solution for Kosovo will be reached, but that he is ready for difficult decisions. He says that it must be a compromise.

The Republic of Palau is the 13th country that has withdrawn the recognition of Kosovo's independence. The president of that republic is in Belgrade today and where will meet with Aleksandar Vucic.

Serbian President says that it is difficult to establish the exact number of states that have recognized Kosovo's independence because, he points, there were different manipulations in the previous period.

"We are doing our job, I'm afraid of the euphoria in our country, and that we think we have solved all the problems. Let's solve them slowly. The result is that we are fighting and trying to achieve a better starting position for Serbia than it used to be. We are doing our job responsible and seriously. I beg citizens not to think that because of it, the situation regarding Kosovo is much easier.  You must also bear in mind both, the interests of the Albanians and the interests of the great powers, which are quite opposed," Vucic said to RTS.

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci said yesterday that the exchange of territory is the best solution for progress towards the EU and NATO, and that such a plan is supported by the US, EU and Russia. Vucic points out that some "simple questions" should be solved first.

"It is not unknown that I think that it is important to resolve the issue of Kosovo and Metohija in a way of compromise, because, as much as it sounds banal for some and as much it is used for attacks on me, for the future of our people it is crucial. But what are we talking about? When we continue to have taxes, that are an anti-civilization measure? Taxes that have been brought are contrary to the CEFTA and SAA, and for which it was impossible to think that they would exist in the 21st century?" Vucic asked.

He reminds that flags are placed in Kosovo next to products, so that citizens do not buy a Serbian product.

"For them, 'Smoki' (well-known snack food) has an ethnicity, this does not happen in any country in the world, it is happening in the territory controlled by Pristina. I am afraid that this tells much less about optimism than what the Albanian leaders express. I will pay much attention to the President of Palau and to the development and understanding in our relations, but we have to be realistic, serious and responsible," said the president of Serbia.

He is not optimistic that a final solution will be reached, but he says that this does not mean that he does not hope for it, that he will not invest everything that he can to come to the solution.

Asked whether Russia would support the division of Kosovo's territory as a solution, Vucic reiterates that the issue of taxes should be solved first.

"Since they think that whole Kosovo is theirs, how are they going to talk about losing a square meter at least if they are not ready to abolish the taxes," Vucic asks.

He says that he is ready for difficult decisions, but that they must be a way of compromise, difficult for Pristina, not only for Belgrade.