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Brnabic: Pristina’s behaviour goes to its detriment (Tanjug, RTS, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that Pristina, unlike Belgrade, runs a policy of confrontation and insists on barriers and conflicts, adding she believes such a behavior would go to the detriment of Albanians and would not go without consequences, RTS reported.

Commenting on Pristina’s policy and acts of the Albanian representatives, Brnabic said it is exactly the example where should would like to react impulsively, although this is not a policy of the Serbian Government.

“I should rather not use the words, I would gladly use at this moment, to describe Pristina’s policy,” Brnabic said, noting that “while Serbia thinks about knowledge, innovations, technology and better life quality for citizens, Pristina still thinks about and insists on confrontation, conflicts, blockades and barriers.” She underlined Serbia would continue to be constructive and turn to the cooperation, in order to remove the barriers.

Meanwhile, B92 referring to the Serbian Government reported that Brnabic said in Atlanta on Tuesday an agreement has been reached with the management of NCR company to build a campus in New Belgrade's Blok 42, with the works slated to start in April. This is an investment worth USD 90 million, Brnabic said and added that 4,200 people should be employed by the end of the construction works.

She noted it is very important the NCR to be satisfied in Serbia, that they always have new investment plans, new technologies and they are ready for cooperation with educational institutions, which is very important for the institutions of Serbia because the government policy is transformation of the economy to a knowledge and innovation-based economy.

According to Brnabic, the companies that invest in education and intellectual property created in Serbia are important for our country, that is, those who invest in products that are made with our knowledge and exported as whole products, with the existing added value.